Chapter 3- Donut Kids Extra Tip

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Steven POV

Finishing our song, I look over at Zachary, who has a big grin.

Steven: "So, how was it?"

Zachary: "How was it? It was awesome!"

Hearing this, I grin.

Zachary: *Sits up* "So, you guys are called the Crystal Gems, and each are named after certain gems? That is a really cool idea. I like it."

Understandably, he didn't understand that the gems were aliens.

Pearl: "Well, yes, we are the Crystal Gems, but we aren't named after gems, we are gems."

Hearing this, Zachary soon looked skeptical.

Zachary: "Really? And what, your bodies are what? Astral projections?"

Pearl: "Yes."

Amethyst: "Dang, he nailed it right on the head."

Steven: "Look, I understand that it's hard to believe, but look, we each have a gem."

We all show off our own gems, each glowing.

He then pointed at Pearl.

Zachary: "Wait, that was a gem in your forehead?"

Pearl: "Yes, what did you think it was?"

Standing there, he starts blushing, chuckling nevously, looking towards the ocean.

Zachary: " Um, t-thats not important."

Zachary POV

Zachary: ' I can't just tell her I thought it was a tumor.'

Shaking off my initial nervous feelings, I turn towards them once again. I Must admit, it was fun meeting these "people", even if it was because of a brief battle, I have to head off to see if I can camp anywhere around here, or if theres some hotel around here.

Zachary: "Well, it was fun and all, but I should really be off now. Gotta find somewhere to hit the hay, afterall, three straight days without sleep makes some people collapse, so before I experience that, I'll be off."

Turning to walk towards the town, I hear someone running up to me.

Steven: "WAIT!"

I then feel a force latch onto my back.

Looking over my shoulder, I see that it's Steven, basically using his whole body to hug me from behind.

Steven: "You can't just leave yet! You save us and leave without even hanging out for abit?!"

Seeing how sad he looked, I inwardly sigh, deciding it was best to stay.

Pearl: "Steven! Get off of Zachary, as he said, he needs to find somewhere to rest!"

Hearing him sigh, I feel Steven clamber off of my back.

Steven: "Okay Pearl... bye Zachary."

About to trudge back with the gems to his house, I interrupt his walk by picking him up, setting him on my shoulders.

Zachary: " 'ey, who said I couldn't hang out for a few hours?"

Hearing this, I instantly see Steven perk up.

Pearl: "Are you sure Zachary? I know how important sleep is to humans, and considering that you haven't had any in the past 3 days..."

Grinning, I start walking towards the house, enjoying the enthusiasm of Steven, who is yelling different celebratory words.

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