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Two Days Earlier...


"What do you mean you're not coming?! Of course you're coming! You can't not come. You're my husband!" I said frustratedly.

"Don't remind me..." Dwight said dryly.

"Look, I know you're not happy with what you've found out but in all honesty... you owe me!" I said as I continued packing.

"How do I owe you?"

"Don't act all holier than thou Dwight! We ain't no better than each other. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

Dwight let out a heavy sigh.

"Whatever. I don't even know why you want to keep up these false pretences. You're planning a family weekend away with family YOU don't like and I'm pretty certain they don't like you." Dwight said as he got up to walk off just as our son entered our room.

"Mum, dad... do I have to come? There's a house party that everyone is going to and I'm going to be the only one missing it!" Zack moaned.

"Ask your mother, but if I gotta go, so do you. So if he gets to stay... I ain't going." Dwight said as he stood next to Zack.

"No one is staying. We are all going. C'mon guys! It's my fortieth birthday. All I want to do is make peace with everyone and what a better way than a weekend away at the family home? Look, this is something big for me. So I'm really going to need you lot to support me on this. Please." I said practically begging.

Dwight and Zack looked at each other and then sighed.

"Fine." They said as they both left the room.

I smiled a devilish smile. My birthday was this Sunday and I've planned a weekend away with Dwight, Zack, my parents, my sister and her family. I've told them I come in peace and that I want to make things right. Truth be told that's the furthest thing from the truth. I intend to cause havoc this weekend. Over these years I've kept in a lot of secrets that I shouldn't have. Well not no more. This weekend it was all coming out. Some old secrets and some new. I was about to turn this family upside down.



"So we're really going?" Zack asked me as he joined me on the balcony.

"What your mother wants your mother gets" I said as I lit my cigarette.

"But Aunty Rose and mum haven't spoken in ages. She doesn't speak to grandma and grandpa so what is the point?"

"Your mother does things that doesn't always make sense. But she says she wants to make things right so we just got to support her on that."

"I guess. What about you two? You guys alright?"

I looked at Zack.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?"

"C'mon dad. I'm eighteen not eight. I hear you lot argue and I know you don't sleep in the same room. You guys going to split up?"

"No son; but at times your mother and I won't always see eye to eye. But this storm will pass. I think maybe this is what we need to get away. To help strengthen back up our relationship. Anyway, enough of that. Let's go and pack." I said trying to end this conversation.

"Okay." Zack said as he walked off.

I took out my phone and made a call.

"Hey babe." My girlfriend said as she answered.

"Hey boo, listen. Gotta rain check this weekend..."

"Again babe?! Really? This is getting to be a little too often now. If this is what it's going to be like we may as well call it quits..."

"Woah woah woah. Just calm down. It's Jazmines birthday and she's planned a weekend away. I can't not go as all her family is going. But trust me, after this weekend a lot is going to change. So can you just hold out for me baby?"

I heard Alexis sigh.

"Fine. But if you bail on me one more time. It's over." She said as she hung up on me.


I couldn't lose Alexis. No way. Yes, that's right I am married but I also have a girlfriend and yes they know about each other. They've even had several fights. But Jazmine knows where her bread is buttered so she puts up with it. Besides now I know her dirty little secret she has no choice. All I had to do was get through this weekend and then I could put my plan to action.



Once in my room I locked my door and made the call

"I couldn't get out of it. I have to go."

"Have you told her?"

"What that I know the truth?"


"Nah. They treat me like a child like I don't know what's going on."

"You going to let her know you know?"

"Of course. How could she not tell me? The fact she didn't let me stay home I may just mention it this weekend. She claims I'm her everything so she can't lie to me. She's lied for this long so now I want to see how she thinks she can get out of this. You know what? The more I think about it the more angrier I get. How could she?"

"Calm down calm down. I have a plan..." the person said as they told me of their idea.

"You know what... that might just work and no better way to start this than on her birthday weekend. This will be a birthday she will never forget."


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