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"Mrs Smith, sorry for you loss. Or is it?" The Detective said.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, from all of your statements; it doesn't seem like there would be much love loss between you and your daughter. I've even got one statement here that mentions you told your daughter to drop dead. Then within the hour she did just that."

"I didn't mean it! I was angry! Tension was high, feelings were hurt."

"Anger can make you do a lot of things Mrs Smith. Where was you between eleven and half eleven?"

"I...Erm...I don't know. The dinner had gone pear shape and emotions were high. I was upset. Eddie had said that we were over and it just wasn't sitting well with me. I went to look for him but he wasn't in the room when I went to check on him. So I walked around the house for a bit. Didn't keep track of the time."

"Your statement says you found Jazmine dead."

"That's correct."

"So you was angry, you had mentioned going into your room to find Eddie but he wasn't there. So that could mean you could have grabbed the gun..."


"You could have grabbed the gun and killed your daughter. Why else was you going to her room in order for you to find her?"

"Not to kill her! I didn't even know Eddies gun was missing nor where it was! I did not kill my daughter."

"Okay, you didn't kill her... so why did you go to her room?"

I sighed.

"My marriage was over, Everyone now knew what that... what Eric did to me, because of her!! She ruffled so many feathers! I was angry. But never in a million years would I have thought to kill her! She's still my daughter!"

"You guys never had the best relationship did you? I mean how could you?"

My jaw clenched. I hated talking about this. Least of all to a detective.

"Everyone likes to blame me, make me out like I'm the bad person; never mind I was the one who was being raped for YEARS!!"

"Why didn't you go to the police? If he was raping you why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Why do you all make it seem like it was that easy?! I was scared okay! I feared for my life!"

"Tell me... how did you decide? You have two daughters. Yet you managed to decide. Was it because you preferred Rose over Jazmine?"

"Stop it!"

"Come on Mrs Smith... What was it? What could Jazmine have possibly done why you would have offered your daughter to a predator?!"

"Nothing! Nothing okay! I just wanted it to stop! I didn't even pick her! I didn't pick! I just said no! I said no to him touching me and because I wouldn't give him me he went for one of the girls... he went for Jazmine."

"So you found strength for him to stop touching you but not enough for him to touch your little girl? This went on for years? He even got her pregnant? I can see why you and your daughter didn't see eye to eye. You said everyone knew what Eric did to you because of Jazmine. How did Jazmine know?"

"Jazmine had gone to her father and told him what had happened and this time he believed her. Because of this he was mad at me, I went to Jazmine..."

I stopped. I didn't want to continue. It didn't matter what I said it all sounds bad. She was already judging me. I can see and feel it just by how she looks and talks to me.

"Continue Mrs Smith."

"I'd rather not. All that matters is I didn't kill my daughter. I found her. I did not kill her. Instead of having me in here interrogating me you should do your job and find who killed her!"

"Oh...But I am doing my job Mrs Smith and I think I've found the murderer."

"IT WASN'T ME!!" I said as I stood up from my chair.

"I said I think I found the murder, didn't say it was you."

"I'm not stupid detective! I see the way you look at me and how you talk to me! I didn't do it! You think I'm going to slip up and say something that will implicate me but I didn't do it so that can never happen!"

"So why dont you finish off what you was saying then? You went looking for Jazmine... why?"

I sighed. I sat down. I rather her look at me in disgust than think I was a murderer.

"I went looking for her because if she had just kept quiet... all of this was years ago! She needed to get over it, just like I did! But instead she chose to bring it up again! This time it wasn't going away. We argued and that when I told her that he used to rape me."

"So that's how she knew. That's how she was able to let everyone else know?"


"And that's why you went to her room...because you was mad at her for telling everyone?"

"Yes! But not mad enough to kill her! I didn't do this! I FOUND her!! I didn't kill her detective. I didn't." I said as I wept.

"That will be all for now Mrs Smith. You're free to go. I'll be in touch." The Detective said as she escorted me out of the interview room.

I felt so defeated.

I found her. I did not kill her. I found her. I. Did. Not. Kill. Jazmine. I didn't kill my daughter!


#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now