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The look on Eric's face was priceless. I poured another glass of champagne. What I really wanted was brandy but champagne would suffice.

The doorbell rang leaving us all with confused faces.

"Who could that be?" Rachel asked.

"Mr & Mrs Smith we have a Miss Alexis Jones here for the dinner party."

My eyes widened.

"A who? For where? Oh hell no. Absolutely not! Dwight? Really?"

"I told you that you would sign those divorce papers and if you won't then maybe this will change your mind..." he said as Alexis walked in with a baby.

I laughed.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Everyone... this is Alexis. She's my girlfriend and has been for a few years. This is our daughter. Asia."

I choked on my champagne.

"You're what? Since when?"

"You're not the only one that can keep secrets you know Jazmine." Dwight said to me.

I smirked.

"Anyone else got any bombshells they want to drop today?" I asked sarcastically.

"How about you can't even be mad at Uncle Dwight because you're sleeping with my dad." Sariyah said.

Everyone dropped their cutlery.

"What? What is Sariyah on about?" Zack asked.

Rose started laughing.

"You have got to be kidding me. You two? Again?" She said.

I smirked.

"Again? Sis we never stopped!" I said boldly.

"JAZMINE!!" Sanchez snapped.

"WHAT? You said if this comes out you would be supporting me! Yet you're here snapping at me!"

"What do you mean you never stopped?" Rose questioned.

"Well lets just say... your whole married life has been a lie. From the morning of your wedding up to now." I said with a smile.

"You BITCH!!" Rose and Dwight said.

"Oh Dwight shut the hell up! You cared more about this country than me! What did you expect? I was lonely and I was not happy! As for you Rose... well this is karma for everything that happened when we was younger."

"You're pathetic! You're disgusting! How can you be proud of what you've done?!" Rachel said to me.

"Are you really coming to talk to me about pathetic and disgusting? Are you proud MUM? Are you proud of what YOU done?"


"No dad! Seeing as I'm always the bad one... let's let out a few skeletons. Some not even YOU know." I said as I got up and walked around the table. "So let's start with my darling mother... she always knew about the RAPIST and what he was doing to me. Yeah... she knew. You know how come she knew?"

"Jazmine shut your mouth! Don't you think you've ruined this family enough?!" Rachel said.

"ME?! No no no!! It's YOU!! Everything stemmed from YOU!! So like I said... do you know how come she knew? You wanna tell them... MUM? Or maybe we should go and find Mr Rapist and make him tell you all? No? Okay, I will. The reason she knew is because that disgusting man was raping her. Yep... for years. That's what she told me. To the point she didn't even know if me and Rose was dads kids until she took secret DNA tests. Luckily we're not the products of rape. However, in order for him to stop raping her, guess what she had to do? You guys would never guess because you guys would NEVER expect it. Because what kind of MOTHER would choose that in order for her to not get raped anymore SHE... would have to give up one of her daughters to be raped instead!"

"What? Stop spreading lies!! You're so vindictive!!" Rose spat.

I laughed.

"Have we not realised that the liars here were you, her and him? So how the hell am I lying? If what I said was a lie why ain't your precious mother said anything? Huh? Look at her. Never seen her lost for words!" I said as I drank more champagne.

"Jazmine stop it! Now!" My dad shouted.

"Yeah yeah yeah that's right! Blame me! You know...I'm starting to wonder if you really knew as well."

"I did not!"

"How do I know that? Huh? You could have known all this time and it could be the guilt that's made you ill. They say stress can bring on cancer."

"You are bang out of order!! Okay so you haven't had a great childhood and we didn't exactly help but how can you say that? In front of our kids!" Rose said.

"Our kids? Oh shut up Rose! Sariyah isn't even yours!" I said.

"What?" Zack said.

"You bitch! I'm going to kill you!!" Rose said as she came charging for me.

She grabbed my dress almost ripping it off me followed by an almighty slap that made me see red. I swung for her laying into her. After all these years, after everything she's done. I decided to let out my frustration on her.

"Stop it! Stop! You're going to kill her!!" I heard Sanchez say whilst dragging me off of her.


"Jazmine you've gone too far!! Look around you! Look at everyone's face! No one here is happy! That's all because of you!"

"Because of me? I'm the only one who has done nothing wrong! I'm innocent!!"

Dwight laughed.

"Pull the other one Jazmine! You're no better."

"No one asked you! Why are you even here? Take your bitch, your bastard baby and GO!!"

"MUM!! You can't talk to dad like that! That's my half sister!"

"Ugh!! No it ain't!"

"Jazmine!!" Dwight shouted.

"What? We might as well get it all out in the open! It may as well be me to spill my secret! So none of you can try to use it against me."

"Jazmine don't!" Dwight pleaded.

"Jazmine think about what you're gonna do!" Sanchez said.

"Don't do it Jazmine." Rachel said.

"I know you're angry but this isn't the way Jazmine." My Dad said.

I looked at Rose and her busted face then I looked around at everyone else. I poured another glass of champagne. I had been drinking all day so right now I was gone passed tipsy and heading straight for drunk. I downed the glass before looking up at my family.

"What I was trying to say before I was rudely interrupted..."


"Oh for goodness sake stop calling my name! Why do you even care Dwight?!"

"We made an agreement."

"You're filing for a divorce so that agreement has gone out the window!"

"Stop thinking about yourself for once in your life. Think about how this will affect EVERYONE. And if you don't care about everyone at least think about our son."

"But he's not your son though..."

There! I finally said it.

"What? Mum, what are you on about?" Zack asked me.

"You said no more lies right?"


"Okay so here's the truth. All of it. Dwight left me to go to the army. I got bored and lonely. I cheated on him. I became pregnant, with twins as you know no thanks to your gran! Anyway, everyone here knows about the twins I had. Your brother didn't die. It was a story I made up. After I gave birth I realised I couldn't do this on my own. So I gave one away. It wasn't a boy either. It was a girl. I gave my daughter to someone who couldn't have kids. I gave my daughter to my sister Rose..."


#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now