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Tired was an understatement! We've been here for hours. We all sat in a room at the police station in silence. We was made to put on some paper material, baby blue overalls that made noise even with the slightest movement. Everyone was tired and restless and the more they moved the more noises circulated the room. The door opened and the detective entered.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting after having your clothes bagged, your fingerprints run and reading through your statements I have a few more questions then you can go to the B&B."

"I have a new born here. How much more longer do I have to wait?" Alexis said sounding very irritated.

"However long these interviews take." The Detective said. "Right... Mr Eddie Smith. I'd like to speak to you first please."

I got up and followed the detective.

"Mr Smith. I know this is a tough time for you but I just have a few questions I need to ask you." The Detective said as we both sat down.

"Okay as long as you arrest that rapist murdering so called brother of mine."

"We'll get to that. Jazmine was killed between eleven and eleven thirty. Well eleven thirty was when she was found. Where was you during that time?"

"In my room."

"Can anyone vouch for you?"

"Unfortunately not."

"You said your gun was missing, when did you notice it was missing?"

"Erm, well I was back in my room just before eleven. I take my tablets every o'clock. So it was time for my final tablets for the day. I went into the bathroom to take my medication and when I came back to my room I noticed my door was open but I thought nothing of it. I went on the balcony to collect my thoughts of what happened this evening at dinner. Was out there for about ten to fifteen minutes. When I came in I noticed my draw - where the gun is kept was open. Me being a tad OCD I went to close it. That's when I noticed it wasn't in there. I went looking for it around the room as..." I stopped.

Damn. Busted.


"Does it matter? What matters is I didn't kill my daughter and that scumbag that did has not been arrested yet! Haven't you run tests yet? He's not a smart man! His fingerprints must be somewhere!"

"Mr Smith... why did you go looking for the gun?"

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Because... I had took it out the draw earlier that day."


"Because I had just found out the truth about what that sick bastard had done to my daughter all of them years and I wanted to kill him. But I put it back! I remember putting it back! At least I thought I did..."

"So you're not really sure where you put your gun?"

"No. I have cancer okay... I'm terminal and I take a lot of medication. My memory isn't what it used to be."

"So for all you know you could have killed your daughter?"

"What? No!"

"How do you know? You was covered in blood when I saw you. Now you're saying your memory isn't what it used to be."

"I told you! As soon as I saw Jazmine laying in Rachel's arms I went over there and took over! Of course I'm going to be covered in blood what do you expect? I'm forgetful in the sense that I'll put something down and not remember, NOT kill someone and not have a clue!!!"

"What make is your gun?"

"It's a handgun; I think 22 something."

"What are you doing with a gun Mr Smith?"

"It was passed down to me when my father died. If you check he has a gun cabinet. They don't leave the house. I don't use them. It was my father who used them."

"Yet you was willing to use the gun on your brother."

"Detective if you found out your brother was raping your daughter what would you do?"

"Would have believed her from when she first told me."

Not many things hurt me, but that did. A tear fell. I failed my daughter and now she's dead.

"Do you know what I think Eddie?"


"I don't think you killed your daughter..."

"Thank you!"

"Doesn't mean I don't think you was an accomplice."

My eyes widened.


"Your daughter upset a lot of people. From what I see it could be anyone. Take your wife for example. Looks like she has motive. Maybe you gave your wife the gun..."


"MAYBE... you're pretending to not remember so when the killer gets caught you can use this bad memory as a reason to not be an accomplice. I mean out of all of them you said you don't have long left. So what have you got to lose?"


"That will be all for now Mr Smith. You're free to go... well to the B&B that is." The Detective said before getting up and opening the door to escort me out.

That was NOT how the interview was meant to go!


#13 :: Who Killed Me?Where stories live. Discover now