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"They say when someone is murdered the first person that everyone looks at is the spouse. Yet, no ones even mentioned you as a potential suspect."

"Because I'm innocent."

"You seem pretty confident."

"Yes. Because I know I didn't kill her."

"So what did you mean when you said Karma is yet to come to Jazmine?"

"Well I guess that's self explanatory isn't it? She pissed a lot of people off. She's now dead. Isn't that what people would call karma?"

"It's what YOU call karma."

"Indeed. Just because I said it doesn't mean I killed her."

"It seems to be a easy win for you. You can get on with your new life with your girlfriend and your daughter."

"That was happening regardless."

"Oh really? I heard Jazmine wasn't going to sign the papers."

"She would have."

"Because you would have made her?"

I smirked.

"I see what you're trying to do. If she didn't sign willingly I would have taken her to court, either which way I win."

"You have a girlfriend and a child. I think she would be entitled to something."

"You look like a smart detective. She's been having an affair our whole marriage and has two eighteen year olds with the guy she was having an affair with. She wouldn't have got a penny."

"Where was you between eleven and eleven thirty?"

"Cuddled up with Alexis and Asia. We was disturbed by the screaming. I told Alexis to stay whilst I went to see what was going on. So I'm sorry detective. I'm not who you're looking for."

"I didn't doubt it for a second."

"You didn't?"

"Nope. Funnily enough, you're the only one who I feel has told the truth. But you could just be a great actor. I guess we'll soon find out won't we?"

"Indeed we will." I said as I smiled at her.

Was I upset Jazmine was dead? Yes. As much as I was over our marriage she didn't deserve to be killed. However, she had caused a lot of problems last night and now it's come back to bite her.



If I knew this was going to be the end result in coming up to Reading I would have stayed at home with my daughter. But no, Dwight said he needed me so I came.

I'll admit, I wanted nothing more than to see the look I saw on Jazmines face when I walked into the dining room as they all sat and ate. It's a face I'll never forget for a long time. However, as much as I didn't like her and wanted for Dwight to man up and just leave so we could be together I never would have wanted her dead. I still couldn't believe someone actually killed her. It was indeed a lot to digest. It also meant we was staying with a murderer. That just didn't sit right with me especially with my baby girl with me.

I can't believe I've been caught up in the family feud and now I'm here waiting to be questioned.

"Sorry to keep you Miss Jones..."

"Yeah well it's not good enough. I have a ten month old baby who should not be here!"

"Miss Jones... Why was you at the house? You're not family and I'm pretty sure Jazmine did not invite you." She said as she ignored what I said to her.

"Dwight invited me. He knew I was tired of him being with Jazmine and I was ready to leave. I was tired of being the secret when he claims to love me."

"So Dwight invited you to his wife's birthday and you came...?"

"Yes. He didn't invite me to sit me down and eat with them. He invited me to embarrass Jazmine and I was up for it."

"Right... and now in doing so you're now a suspect in a murder investigation."

"I did not murder her! This is a typical case of wrong place wrong time."

"How original! Where was you between eleven and eleven thirty?"

"In bed with Asia and Dwight. We wanted to leave but my car had flat tyres so we stayed. We stayed the room furthest from them all."

"Yet you managed to hear screaming? According to Dwight."

"Yes. Sariyah? I believe that's her name was running around the house screaming. Think she was looking for someone or something."

"This is all too convenient for you isn't it?"

I laughed.

"Convenient? That she's dead?"


"No detective. I have my man. I always did. The last straw was today when Dwight found out she was sleeping with Sanchez all this time. Her dying is unfortunate..."

The detective laughed.

"You almost sound like you care."

"Care would be a strong word. But I'm not evil. I have my happy home regardless. If she was still here today she would have had to sign the papers and I would have my man, her no longer with us I still have my man."

"Unless he's the one who did it... then he would go to jail."

I laughed again.

"Did what? Killed Jazmine? That fire cracker? If anyone was going to kill anyone out of them two it would have been her to kill him. Dwight doesn't have a harmful bone in his body."

"He used to be in the army and he went for Sanchez earlier, how can you be so sure?"

"I'm talking about women. He would never put his hand on a female. That includes killing them. Nice try detective. Me and my man are innocent."

"Everybody is innocent until proven guilty Alexis. With that being said you are free to go." The detective said.

I smiled, got up and left. On the other side of the door I let out a heavy sigh. Everything I said was true but I've never been in a situation like this before. I just hope I never said anything that the detective could fabricate to be something else.

I'm pretty sure I didn't. Besides, WE are innocent. Neither of us could have killed Jazmine as we was busy trying for baby number two!


#13 :: Who Killed Me?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu