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"Come in..." I said as I heard a knock at the door.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in I said!"

Still no one entered but the door continued knocking.

"For goodness sake!" I got up to see who was knocking but wouldn't enter.

As soon as I opened the door I was greeted with a punch to the face. I was caught off guard and lost my balance and ended up on the floor.

"That took a lot of energy and you better be lucky I'm sick or else I would have continued until you was black and blue." My brother Eddie said as he walked past me and sat down.

"What the heck? What was that for?"

"My little girl... you...touched my little girl... YOUR NIECE!!"

"I DIDN'T!!"

"Eric.. stop lying. Just stop lying. I know the truth. Jazmine told me and then I confronted Rachel and she told me... so for once in your pathetic life...STOP LYING!"

Damn. Secrets out.

"Eddie.. brother. I... I wasn't well."

"Well yeah. Because you have to be a sick bastard to rape anyone, let alone a little girl, let alone your niece!"

"You're right."

"But what I don't understand is why you think you get to live... now I know the truth." Eddie said as he placed his gun on his lap for me to see.

"Woah... Eddie. I know you're mad but please brother. I don't want to die. I'm sorry! I'm your brother man!"

"AND SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!! All these years no one believed her! She's been hurting all these years!! I can't let you walk out of here free. I can't die, knowing you will still be alive. How do I know you won't try to pull another stunt like this when I'm gone?"

"I won't. I promise I won't."

"Well promise ain't good enough. After all... your wife has left you. You have nothing to lose. Just like you have no one to miss you if I decide to put this bullet in your head."

Not many things in life scared me. But I've always feared my big brother. I guess that's why I did what I did. It made me feel like I had control. I was able to take what I want from him and he wouldn't know and couldn't do anything about it. But now my past has come back to haunt me. I don't doubt for a second that my brother would use his gun to kill me. It's not as if he hasn't used it before.

When our father died, our mother had a male friend that would help out. She didn't want a relationship but at times she would get lonely when we wasn't around. It wasn't an issue. We knew this man all our life. You could say he was like an uncle to us. He started spending more time around our mum and even moved in. Eddie didn't like that one bit. We also noticed a change in our Mum. We soon found out Mr Cleaves was beating her and stealing from her. Eddie has always been the quiet one. Unless you piss him off or mess with his loved ones. He took his gun and shot Mr Cleaves. Never killed him but that was a warning; which Mr Cleaves got loud and clear.

"I'll leave now. If that's what you want. I'll leave now never to return." I said as I feared for my life.

Eddie got up and walked to the door. Before he left he turned to me.

"Don't leave just yet. You will admit to what you've done, you will apologise to Jazmine. Then... then you better leave; or I will shoot you. Now that... that's a promise." He said as he left.



Every time I think Jazmine can't surprise me anymore she does something else to prove me wrong. When I saw her and Sanchez go down in the basement I had to follow to see what they could possibly be going down there for. I knew they went out when they was younger, but it never bothered me because he ended up when Rose. I heard their whole conversation and decided not to stay once they started kissing. I know I have no right to be mad as I do have a girlfriend and a secret of my own but it still don't change the fact that she keeps lying. I found out about her sleeping with someone but she made it out as if it was no one I knew. For me to find out it's my so called brother in law and what seems like it's been going on for ages! I was actually done with this marriage. What was the point?

Why would she want me here knowing she's fucking her sisters man?

It's fine, I have my own plan. One that will make it a birthday she will never forget. I went looking for Jazmine and coincidentally I found her in the family room... With Sanchez.

Why am I not surprised.

"Here you go. Happy Birthday Jazmine." I said as I gave her an envelope.

"What's this?" She said smiling.

"Open it." I told her.

She opened it and smiled turned to a frown.

"Divorce papers? Really? This what you're giving me on my fucking birthday Dwight?"

"Well seeing as you and Sanchez fucked last night I don't see why that's an issue." I said smiling at them both.


"No. No... we are not brothers. I don't even want to hear anything you have to say. I heard it all last night. The only person I feel sorry for is Rose."

Jazmine scoffed.

"Fuck her. Anyway... this is what you want? Cool. This marriage was dragging anyway. Just make sure you have my money."

"Your money?"

"Yes my money!"

"Ha. See that's where YOU fucked up. Remember? I know the truth. I don't owe you shit!"

"You son of a bitch!"

"You know... it feels like my birthday. Just sign those damn papers. The sooner you sign the sooner I can be done with you."

"I'm not signing shit! You owe me! So I'll see you in court!"

"You're not going to sign?"


"Okay. I've got something that will make you sign. Don't you worry." I said as I left her and Sanchez standing there.

I walked off and made the call.

"Hello" Alexis said as she answered..

"It's time..." I said before hanging up.


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