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"One thing... she's says or does one thing Eddie and I'm leaving!" I said as I packed our things.

"Come on Rachel! The fact she's even including us means she wants us in her life, finally."

"Ha! You don't know your daughter clearly! She's most probably got some fucked up tricks up her sleeve!"

"I just want to have a good weekend. I don't know how many more of those I'm going to be able to have." Eddie said.

I sighed. I stopped packing and went and sat on the bed with my husband.

"I know Eddie. I know. I'm just not going to get my hopes up. But for you... I'll make an effort."

"Thank you. That's all I can ask for."

"But you know that bringing him is not going to make you have this good weekend that you speak of."

"I can't leave him! He's been really cut up. All he does is drink. It's better he comes. He can be around the family. He hasn't seen anyone in years."

"I understand, but Jazmine won't want him there. So are you sure you want to bring him?"

"He has to come. He's coming. That's final."

"Okay. Maybe you should tell her. At least that way it won't be a surprise for her when she sees him turn up." I said as I went back to packing.

If I had my way I wouldn't go anywhere. My daughter Jazmine is a ticking time bomb. Always has been always will be. All it takes is for one thing to aggravate her and everyone will feel her wrath. She's been like that from a little girl. So as much as my husband wants a great weekend. I'm pretty sure it will be the furthest thing from that. Especially when she sees her uncle Eric.



I sighed. I should really contact my daughter and let her know I'm bringing my brother but she will say no. I can't leave him here. His wife has left him and took everything. So he's been staying with us. Lately all I've been trying to do is be a better man. I have cancer. I'm terminal. I haven't told my family. Only my wife knows. I hear her cry at times, but she will always try to be strong. She doesn't have to. But she doesn't like the idea of coming across as weak.
I made my way down to my brothers room. I definitely think this weekend with all of us will be a good idea. Everyone can get everything out in the open. Then we put it to bed and move on with life. Life is way too short.

As I entreated my brothers room I went into a coughing fit.

"Open a window Eric! Damn!" I said.

The room had a thick smoke that lingered in the air.

"Sorry Eddie!" He said as he jumped up and opened a window and kept the bedroom door open. "You okay brother?" He asked me.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. Listen...I have to ask, when Jazmine used to..."

"Man this again? Really? I'll tell you exactly what I told you then, now. I did not touch her." He said confidently.

"Right, right. Well she's doing a family dinner for her birthday and you're coming."

"No I ain't. She hates me!"

"Yeah and if you ain't done what she's said then you will come and make things right. This is why she's doing this dinner. So maybe if she's trying to make amends she will be willing to hear you out."

"I dunno man Eddie. I just want to keep to myself."

"If you have nothing to hide... you will come. Besides, me and Rachel are going. So it's either you come or you find a place to stay this weekend."

"Now you know I ain't got anywhere else I can stay!"

"Well... what's it gonna be?"



"Alright alright. I'll come. Not that I have a choice."

"Good. Now go pack. We leave in a couple hours."

"Yeah yeah." I said as my brother left.

There was no way me going to this dinner was a good idea. When Jazmine was younger I opened the bathroom door not realising anyone was in there. she had just got out of the shower; I apologised and said there was no need to tell anyone. I left instantly. She then decided to create her own version of the story. She told them I locked her in the bathroom and fondled with her. That was a lie. Ever since then she's accused me of all sorts. Any time I come around which ain't often she refers to me as the "pedo uncle". So you can see why I'm not jumping for joy.

Jazmine has always been a problem and the older she gets the worse she gets. So only God knows what is going to happen over the weekend. I just hope she keeps me out of it. Not as if I want to be there anyway.


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