Chapter 2

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She ran. She was the first one to leave the class. She wanted to leave that bloody classroom the moment Slughorn uttered those embarrassing words. She put her head down as usual and walked through the halls, trying to be as discrete as she could. She had an inkling that Tom Riddle saw her today in the class, but she was trying her best to convince herself otherwise. After all, he had ignored her throughout the year. Little did she know, she was wrong. Very very wrong.

As soon as the bell chimed, students rushed toward the great hall. It was lunchtime. Tom's eyes followed every movement that she made. He saw her packing her stuff clumsily. He saw her when she had left the class in a rush. He saw that she was a loner. For a Hufflepuff, that was odd. He saw that she stumbled occasionally on her feet. Her robes looked big enough to robe two girls of her size. He also saw her when instead of going with other students to the great hall, she took a turn and went to Hufflepuff common room. Hufflepuff common room was rumoured to be near Hogwarts' kitchens. Bingo! Was this the reason for her absence in the great hall? Tom thought.

The girl was taking her usual path through some deserted corridor. A part of her had a feeling that she was being followed. That thought was enough to raise her anxiety. She came out of those thoughts only when she felt a hand grabbing her wrist. The next thing she knew, she was in a dark, small, wooden place. Was it a closet?

She opened her mouth to scream, but a hand was placed on her mouth before she could do so. The body of the owner of that hand pushed her further into the closet.

"Lumos," a husky voice muttered.

The girl closed her eyes to adjust them to the sudden brightness. Once her vision was improved, she looked up to meet those chocolate-brown eyes. They were the same pair of eyes that she saw a few days back. She gulped visibly. Her eyes widened slightly in the process. Her reaction earned a smirk from Tom. His one hand was pinning her, and the other one was holding his wand. Somehow, in his own twisted way, he was happy to see her so nervous around him. He always liked to be in control. However, his joy was short-lived. He saw her eyes were not those stunning violet. Instead, they were a dull brown.

Rage filled Tom. He felt angry. He wanted to destroy something. Why? He didn't know. Maybe because those violet eyes unknowingly haunted him for the past few days. Her absence only fueled his desire to see them.

"Your eyes. They are not violet. What are you?" he demanded.

"Let me go Riddle." She struggled against him.

The gesture angered him more. He gritted his teeth. "Sweetheart, tell me who you are, and I will let you go."

Her eyes widened more. The endearment was totally new to her. Blush creeping on her face. Corners of her hairs turned pink. No, she couldn't let this happen. Not when she had controlled this successfully for the past few months.

Tom was confused. Was she a metamorphmagus? If so, how come he never knew about her? His gang would have told him about a metamorphmagus roaming freely on the grounds of Hogwarts. He was totally lost in his thoughts. She took this opportunity to leave that ruddy closet. She almost reached for the handle when the same hand, which pulled her in the damn closet, pulled her to him once again. This time instead of using his just one hand, he pinned her to the wooden walls with his whole body, caging her securely. His left hand was enough to hold her both hands in the place, while the right hand was busy with the wand.

"I asked you a question sweetheart," he hissed.

"Don't call me sweetheart," she hissed at him. Tom looked at her surprised. This was the very first time she was showing him her fiery side, and to be honest he was liking it.

"Well, you have to tolerate it. I have no choice. You haven't given me your name, sweetheart."

"Then call me Winters. I am sure you know that by now," she hissed again. He knew he was getting on her nerves.

"Fair enough, but you see sweetheart, I prefer to know the first name of girls," he leaned forward, towards her ear, "who intrigue me."

She was taken aback by his boldness. His hot breath was fanning her neck, making her uncomfortable. What was he playing at? Had he lost his mind? She gulped again. His closeness was enough for her to lose her mind. Seeing that there was no escape, she muttered,


Tom's mind, that was enjoying her reactions, took some time to process it.


"Alexa Winters is my name."

He pulled back slightly. His smirk was still in its place. He was looking at her like a Cheshire cat.

"Now that was not so hard, was it Alexa?"

She looked at him expectantly. He chuckled. The darkness in the closet was nothing compared to the one which was present in his chuckle.

"Oh, you want to leave, don't you? Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, but we are not done yet."

She looked at him murderously. "My name isn't sweetheart."

"No. I like sweetheart way more," he said. His eyes were challenging her to disobey him.


I hope you liked this chapter.

Am I being too forward? Please let me know.

# metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard who can change their appearance at will, without the need for a wand, spell, or potion.

Also if you have some ideas, please share. I have planned some things for this story, but new ideas are always helpful. Please vote, share and comment. They make my day.

Thank you all!!!

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