Chapter 81

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This part is for those who voted in the last chapter and those bunnies who commented so cutely.

Please read the Author note below this chapter. It's urgent.


"How do you know?" Alexa asked Tom. Her eyes locked on him expectantly. Just like Tom's had earlier. 

Tom crossed his arms in front of his chest. He leaned back on the desk behind him. His posture was giving him a laid-back yet authoritative look. His mind was weighing his next words and her possible reaction. 

"I saw." His voice was steady. Just like his posture. His eyes moving across her whole body to capture her every reaction.

Alexa stiffened. Confused and afraid. 

"What? How?" she squeaked.

"On my prefect round one night. You transformed in front of me," he spoke truthfully. Her violet gaze didn't allow him to lie.

She turned away from him. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Her shoulders stiffened when she tried to recall that incidence and came up empty-handed. It looked that he was the only source of her information at that moment. 

"When?" she inquired.

"Last year," he replied in the same tone.

The silence engulfed the room. The heaviness didn't bother Tom. In fact, it gave him more time to contemplate his options to breach the topic. His eyes narrowed as he realized that there was no better way than breaching the topic directly. He realized at that point of time she was vulnerable. 

It wasn't fair, he contemplated. 

He never played fair, he reminded himself. It won't change for her.

 "Your turn." His voice was serious. Deadly. 

There was no room for escape. And Alexa knew it. She knew that he had to know. She knew she couldn't keep it away from him, even if she wanted to do nothing else. She sighed in defeat.

"You are right. I wouldn't have chosen Grindelwald as my grandfather. My mother wouldn't have chosen him as her father," she spoke calmly. Deadly.

Tom shivered at her tone. His eyes glinted. He was fascinated with the darkness in her tone. Finally! He had waited long enough. She chuckled humorlessly. Tom looked at her in confusion. Before he could comment, she continued,

"I am sure he will beg to defer." She turned in to face curious Tom. "Mum said he is a charming man. Charmed her, his own daughter, into joining him. Pampered her by addressing her as his most precious asset. I inherited my mother's metamorphmagus genes. Indeed she was an asset to him. She never knew her mother. He was the only family she knew. He made sure of that. She craved for love of the family. Never got an opportunity to bond with any person of her age. He made sure of that. He was her everything. He made damn sure of that." 

Alexa slammed her fist on the nearby wall. A creak appeared on the stones, leaving Tom fascinated with her werewolf strength. However, he was sure that it left a long burn in her petite fist.  "She was stupid, you know, my mother. For her, wrong was right, if he had said it. For years, she followed him. She followed his ideologies. She followed his orders.  Brain-washed, she did every bad deed for the greater good. And then he killed her for the greater good."

Tom looked at her. Grindelwald killed his own daughter? His own family? His conscience mocked him that even he had rid of his family. Tom mentally sneered back at it reminding it that he killed them because they abandoned him, unlike Grindelwald, who killed his daughter even after she had been his loyal pawn. Tom valued loyalty.

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