Plot Holes : From Author's Desk

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From the title, you can see this is the Author's note where I will let you know the things that I was unable to add in the flow of a story.

Fact # 1: I know some of us are not satisfied with the patronous of Alexa. I chose King cobra because,

a) the king cobra is capable of swallowing prey larger than its own head. That is, it has hidden strength.

-> It is Keen-eyed with sharp senses (similar to Alexa who is a part werewolf and hence the senses).

-> I wanted to add, that even if in most chapters Alexa is calm and collected she can defend herself like a cobra which attacks only when it is provoked. In chapter 38, 31 and 18 she had shown her capabilities to defend herself, to attack the opponent and her cunningness.

These are the things which make her similar to the snake to some extent.

b) Tom Riddle is a Slytherin. His personality is like a snake. Even the symbol of Slytherins is a snake. Anthony was happy because he realized this after witnessing the scene. Unlike Tom, Alexa is capable of loving fiercely, like a snake which is said to love its counterpart very deeply. (Do you know the fact that Nymphadora Tonks' Patronus changed to a wolf after she fell in love with Remus. I don't think I need to elaborate anymore.)

c) it hurts me to know that the snakes are frowned upon in some parts of this world, even when they protect our fields from rats in rural areas. 

d) I never wanted her to have some extraordinary animal like a unicorn/Phoenix/dragon as a Patronus. I think they make things unrelatable. (No offence to anyone.)

e) I really think it will be ironic since she is a badger. Here the motive is to show that your house will not determine your true personality sufficiently.

Fact # 2: In chapter 43, Tom thinks that he never fell in love. When he thought this, he was enraged and his thirst for blood was numbing his senses. Also, in chapter 42 he confesses that he thinks of her as his territory and obsession. His mind is fogged. I don't think a person like him is capable of knowing and accepting his true feelings easily.

Fact #3: In chapter 40, Herbert Beery tells Alexa that she needed to focus on Astronomy, Transformation magic, Potion and Philosophy. 

For being able to opt Alchemy in future, you need Exceeding Expectations(EE) or Outstanding(O) in the concerned subjects.

That is why I had given Alexa O in Astronomy and Transfiguration (since it considers Transformational magic) and EE in charms.

Since Philosophy was not exactly a subject in Hogwarts, I gave her EE in History of magic.

She was looking after herself for so long that is why she is somewhat good in DADA.

Her aunt was a squib, so to honour her I gave her EE in muggle studies.

Since she was weak in potions, she got Acceptable in both herbology and Potions. (With the help of Tom.)

Alexa didn't take Care of Magical Creatures, because she is afraid of animals in general. In chapter 4, it is shown she didn't attend the lecture.


P.S. My Patronus is also a snake. However, this has got nothing to do with Alexa's.

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