Chapter 4

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March 2, 1942, was one dreadful day for Alexa. She had Transfiguration as an opening lecture that day, and because of certain someone, she had to attend that class without her wand. She clearly remembered how Professor Dumbledore had looked at her when she told him that her wand was misplaced because her pet cat had taken a liking to it. The twinkle in his eyes clearly showed that he not only was not buying it but also was trying hard not to burst out laughing at her poor excuse. Her giving into nature was responsible for all the embarrassment she felt throughout the day. It was no exaggeration if she defined that day as a most embarrassing day of her Hogwarts life. She didn't make eye-contact with her professor again in the class. Thanks to Merlin that she had only three lectures that day. They were Transfiguration, History of Magic and Potions. First time in her life she was thankful for opting History of Magic class.

That day was geographically important to all of the humans residing on the Earth. Apparently many regions in the world were going to be experiencing a total lunar eclipse on that night, Scotland was one of them. Professor Sinistra considering the importance of this astronomical event had arranged some special classes for all fifth-year students. Headmaster Dippet was kind enough to cancel the remaining classes to give them some time to relax.

She was sitting in her class. Professor Binns was going on and on about "Giant wars" that took place in the middle era. Nobody was paying any attention. Alexa opened her book and placed her hands on either side of it. She then rested her right palm on forehead successfully hiding her eyes from Professor, and before realizing she dozed off peacefully.

She opened her eyes when she felt someone patting her shoulders. She grumbled something incoherent earning herself a deep chuckle. That chuckle oddly reminded her of a certain Slytherin who starred in her nightmares not long back and opened her eyes widely in the next instant. She looked around herself only to find a boy of her age standing in front of her desk, with his books in one hand and his other hand was scratching back of his neck. He was looking as nervous as she was feeling. He looked anywhere but her, and she was no different. Sensing that she was not going to start a conversation, he cleared his throat, forcing her to look at him,

"Um...The class is over. I thought you would like to know," he replied.

Alexa turned red. Her hair tips turning pink again.

"Whoa!! You are metamophmagus?" the boy asked forgetting about his previous awkwardness completely. By now she was sure Riddle was a bad-luck for her. The secret she was trying to hide so hard was suddenly showing itself to everyone.

"Yeah," she said timidly.

"Wow, I can't believe I share a house with a metamorphmagus." For the first time, she noticed that he was indeed a Hufflepuff. "Why didn't you tell this earlier?"

"Well, I don't like attention exactly," she said.

"Oh," The boy responded. "So do you want me to keep this a secret?" he asked.

"Will you please?" she asked him, giving him the most innocent look she could muster.

"Well your reasoning is totally unusual, then again it's your secret," he replied thoughtfully. She couldn't believe her luck. They both were mere strangers. Why was he accepting her secret so easily? Unlike Riddle who took this to completely different levels. Speaking of him, She had her next lecture with him. Her wand. She stood up from her place and started packing her stuff. In between, she looked up at him.

"Thank you for waking me up," she said gratefully.

"No problem. By the way, I am Logan McLaggen." The boy held out his hand for Alexa to shake.

She hesitated a little but then she took his hand in her "Hello, I am Alexa Winters," she introduced herself.

"Alexa," he spoke her name as if testing how it sounded. Alexa nodded in response.

"So Alexa, what do you have next?" he asked.

"I have Potions," she replied.

"Uh," he frowned, "I have Care of Magical Creatures. My bad. Come on I will drop you there and then I will go to my class."

"You don't need to take the trouble." Alexa tried to convince him politely.

"Are you kidding me?" He took a step closer to her, still respecting her personal space and hushed, "I waited so long in my life to meet a metamorphmagus. And don't worry this will be our secret."

She smiled at him, and together they set off to her next class.

Tom was sitting in his usual seat. Anthony was sitting beside him, reading some book as usual. They had this class together. Suddenly Avery looked up from his book,

"Did you find your princess?" he asked him teasingly.

Tom who was engrossed in his Dark arts book looked up instantly. "It is not the case that just because you are a little bit tolerable, I won't kill you, but to answer your question yeah I found her," he said with his usual smirk in its place, "Oh, and before you come up with any wild idea, she is not my princess, more like a slave."

Avery shook his head and went back to his book. He knew his friend well enough to not breach the same subject twice. Suddenly, they heard a faint giggle. Tom cursing for this interruption looked up only to meet with a figure entering the class. However, she was not alone. Some Hufflepuff was giving her puppy eyes. To Tom's horror, he found himself seeing red. Why? He didn't know. What was Alexa doing with that ruddy badger? Tom gritted his teeth. His hands were fisted on his side. He didn't like the new feeling that he was feeling in his stomach. Avery who was pretending to read looked up at him questioningly. Then he followed his line of sight and it didn't take long for him to realize that this was her. He smiled silently to himself. Someone was going to pay soon.


I hope this chapter is okay.

#fact: If you want you can check it out that we actually had a lunar eclipse on the date mentioned.

I am going to have fun while writing the next chapter. I will update it tomorrow or at the most the day after.

Please comment and heart. Tell me what you think should happen and I will see to it if I could add it to the story.

Thank you all!!!

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