Chapter 52

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This chapter is dedicated to all my wonderful readers from Turkey, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, and China. You people are so damn awesome.


Alexa looked away, but Tom did not. Well not completely at least. It was the first lecture of the first day, so the professor was only giving them an overview of what they were going to study that year. Throughout the lecture, she could feel him throwing glances at her, but she didn't dare to meet his stare, not even once. She thanked her stars that nobody noticed, or if they had, they didn't voice it, for she was already embarrassed enough. Her mind trying to come up with all the sentences she wanted to use so that she could convince Tom to tutor her this year too.

"Okay, so my dear students, as you already know next year you have NEWTs, but this year we have some really interesting topics, especially in the dark creatures."

Mention of dark creatures attracted Tom's attention. His eyes snapped back at the woman in front of him.

"We are going to study Dementors and Inferi this year. Though they are really dark and I wouldn't wish that either of you has a fate to face them in your life, I will teach you some basic things that you need to know about them." Professor Merrythought continued. Her usually cheerful voice had an unusual sternness.

A shiver ran down Tom's spine when he recalled his research on those two creatures. He wanted to rule this world, and for that, he didn't wish to leave anything untouched. He was a nerd by heart.

"Apart from that, we are going to revise some stuff from our earlier years. I will recommend you to read as much as you can before this year ends because this year is as important as the next one. Just to give your brains a little warm-up, your first assignment is to gather information on the Dementors and the Inferi."

The class groaned in annoyance. Logan, who was sitting beside Alexa, was no exception either. And perhaps she would have joined him if she had not been so captured by her impending conversation with the Slytherin Prefect. After all, no one wanted to study on their first day of the classes.

"Now now dears, keep your overflowing excitement to yourselves. No amount of groaning is going to let you off the hook." Professor smiled. "Off you go. I will see you in the next class."

She announced and went back to her office.

Everyone rushed to get out of the class.

"Let's go, snow," Logan exclaimed.

"Will you mind if I directly joined you in Transfiguration?" She asked him politely.

"Is everything alright?" His eyes showed the concern he felt. McLaggen was emotional and very cautious in nature. Was it because of that accident in his childhood in which his sister suffered the consequences, Alexa wondered.

"Of course it is." She encouraged smiling at him. "I just have to talk to Tom about my tutoring."

"Oh!" Logan smirked. His eyes narrowed. "Then I must leave. Don't want to witness another one of your snogging sessions with that boy."

Though she crimsoned, she slapped his arm rather painfully. "It won't happen again McLogan."

"Oh, please! Fool someone else." He scoffed. "Even if it pains me to say this, the truth is that the decision is not in your hands. Tom will kiss you and you will meltdown like some love-struck puppy. I will reserve you a seat in the class. Come soon."

Without giving her the chance to respond verbally or physically, Logan left the classroom.

Alexa looked in the direction of Tom, to see he was reciprocating her action. And he was alone. It appeared that Anthony had left them to go with others. To be honest, she didn't want to be alone with the Prefect. Though she had confidently denied Logan, she was afraid that he was not completely wrong. Especially when her body had a mind of its own.

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