Chapter 44

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This chapter dedicated to all those who never give up.


"This is not fair." An adorable girl pouted. Her eyebrows were furrowed together. Her grey eyes gave away her frustration, as she ran her left hand through her grey locks for what felt like the hundredth time.

A man in early thirties chuckled beside her. Amused by her behaviour he replied, "It is not unfair Lex, you are just too young to perform it at this age."

A four year and some months old girl turned to her father and whined in distaste, "but you can perform it correctly. Even mum can do it and she is not that older than me."

The man turned to his daughter, "Lex your mum is twenty-nine. She is not as young as you think she is."

His daughter had taken his looks and awkward personality. The only thing she inherited from his wife was her metamorphmagus genes.

"Yeah, I know, but she says she is young enough to be my sister, you on the other hand," the girl placed her right palm in front of her mouth to muffle her giggle and hence mumbled the rest of her sentence incoherently.

"I am what?" The man prompted, curious more than ever before. "I am what, did she say?"

"She said you are ancient." The girl replied. The traitorous giggle that she was trying so hard to suppress came out of her baby pink lips.

"Did she now?" The man asked. His eyes twinkling. His wife was a different story. This woman who had his undivided attention from the moment she entered his peripheral vision, never ceased to amuse him.

No surprise there since she was the only one whom he loved so fiercely.

A determination shined in his eyes as he promised himself, "If this is the case then I need to correct her misconception later tonight."

His words left unheard by his daughter who was still fixated upon her failed attempts at performing wandless magic. She looked lost.

The brown-haired wizard who had mastered understanding body languages figured out the inner turmoil of his daughter. No man likes his child looking so defeated, so unsure about itself. It was like she had lost her confidence when there was no actual reason to do that. No one that young had performed the magic as advanced as that. He was never a social butterfly, but from whatever small number of people he met in his life after his school days, very few of them were skilled enough to perform such magic.

He bent down in front of her. His body towered over that of his petite daughter. He took her pale hands in his' and held them affectionately. His warm brown eyes staring in hers.

Like he knew he might not get the chance to do so in the future.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself Lex. Here let me tell you something." The man took her left hand and placed it on her heart. "Believe on this. Until it stops you have the chance to win. Life will not be generous to play in your favour always. You can quit anytime you want, but always remember those who don't quit are the only people who can get a chance to see a better future. Those who are too weak to do so will never be able to see the shining sun of success. Failure is not a mistake, but quitting is a sin. Never give up on something you really want, no matter the circumstances."

The girl nodded her head. She was so young to comprehend it fully, but she loved her parents enough to never let any word they spoke go unnoticed. And so her innocent mind recorded every single thing her father had spoken that day.

And she was thankful for that. Her father had always been her strength. Though her time with her parents was short, she cherished every second she of it. They never allowed her to quit. Alexa was fortunate enough that she was intensely loved by her parents and adored by her aunt. She knew she would remember them in every step of her life.

They were the reason why she was able to continue.

They were the only reason as to why she was now looking down at her O.W.L. result so proudly. Not so long ago did she see that she had received O.W.L.s in every single subject. Of course, she got an Outstanding in Astronomy and Transfiguration. She always enjoyed studying them. She got an exceeding expectation in Charms, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Divination and Defense against Dark Arts.

To be honest, she never believed in future prediction. She took Divination only because she wanted to drop care of magical creatures. She had a theory that her knowledge about astronomical figures and their supposed influence on humans residing on this planet were the only things that had helped her in receiving this grade.

She was glad that she got acceptable in Herbology, but what shocked her to the core, was the fact that she was acceptable in Potions as well.

She was so happy that day.

So happy that she never realized when had she muttered a Patronus charm.

So happy that she never realized that it was the first time her silver-blue mist had taken a form.

She didn't even realize that the animal that erupted from her wand was a beautiful, long and proud king cobra.

Though she was oblivious, a son of an owner of a temporary place she was staying at for that summer was not. Anthony Avery was looking at this scene mesmerized. His wide as saucers eyes didn't look away from the enchanting creature even once. His jaw was dropped in disbelief and happiness.

It was the very first time, he realized why Salazar was so captivated by snakes.

He was soundly happy for his best friend. Never in his life did he miss Tom more than he did on that day.


For those of you who are confused,

1. Alexa was staying at Avery's place that summer, of course on account of Dumbledore.

2. Alexa is a replica of her father.

What do you think of her Patronus? Please let me know. Also, this chapter has something hidden in it. Let's see if we can figure it out.

Anyway, I wanted to ask which type of ending you prefer? Happy or Sad? The further story will be built on that choice. For those of you who are confused regarding Tom's emotions or have certain questions, don't be afraid to ask. I will address them as much as I can in an upcoming update.

If you want to read more, please vote and share this story. These things will motivate me in writing more.

Thank you all!!!

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