Behind the kisses : From Author's Desk

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Okay so as you can already guess, this post is about the kisses Tom Riddle and Alexa Winters shared.

Kiss #1: Do you remember the first kiss they shared? Yeah, the same kiss which happened in chapter 21. It was completely out of manipulation. Tom was fixated on getting answers and he used his physique to his advantage. There were no emotions involved from his side apart from anger and need. So this kiss is titled The Kiss of Manipulation. I wanted to name the chapter that way but decided it was a spoiler.

Kiss #2: The second kiss took place in chapter 26. It was out of the need for possession. In this kiss, Tom aced in showing off his territorial nature. He acted completely on reflex. Actually, he was bothered by the attention Alexa gave to some random guy. This kiss was the next step to show Tom's teenage side which had some hint of insecurity. Somewhere he wanted an acknowledgement from Alexa. This kiss was titled The Kiss of Possession.

Kiss #3: The third kiss that took place was out of dominance. It was in chapter 35 and 36. Unlike the second time, Tom showed his possessive nature more fiercely as he mindlessly jinxed Logan getting fed up with the closeness the latter shared with his girl. If you have noticed this kiss was rougher than the first two. By the time this kiss took place, Tom was ready to claim her publically and in this kiss, it is shown that he was not afraid to punish Alexa. Truthfully, I wanted to name this kiss as the kiss of punishment but went with The kiss of Dominance.

I know Tom was born out of "Love potion" and not "love", so personally speaking, I think it is not easy for him to feel the emotions out of the blue. I wanted this book to cover the transitions among the emotions our dear Voldemort could feel, so I tried to show them through the kisses. You can see Tom's emotions going from teasing Alexa for his sinister pleasure of claiming her publically. I wanted to add this update to tell you why I came up with the kisses and what I had planned behind them. To say you the truth, I am planning a few more kisses like this. Would you like them? Please comment, what you think of this update? Also, please let me know if you have some suggestion.

# Fact: The song above is the one dedicated to Tom and Alexa. I think this song expresses the chemistry I want between our leads.

Please vote and share this story if you want to read more because it gives me the motivation to write more.

Thank you all!!!

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