Chapter 32

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I really hope that you will like this unedited piece of work. If there are mistakes, let me know and I will correct them gladly.


"Flipendo!" Tom used the first spell that came into his mind.

Sition flew away from the top of Alexa to god knew where. Tom looked back to see where he was, but the darkness in that jungle was prohibiting him from seeing anything more than that sacred lake. His attention reverted back on its initial concern. That wolf girl was lying motionlessly. Some foreign feeling settled down in the pit of his belly. He took a cautious step toward her. His posture was stiff. His mind was calculating his surroundings. His wand was held high in front of him.

When he was close enough, he saw that she was laying flat on her back. Her heels were a foot apart, while her arms rested on either side of her seven feet body. Her head was turned to one side, while her eyes were closed. Her chest was heaving from deep breaths. Though her entire body was covered with a fur, he could see the fresh cuts that blood-sucking creature had left behind. There was no way in hell, he was going near her in her wolf form.

Tom pointed his wand at her and muttered,


Nothing happened at the start.

Very slowly Alexa's brown fur started fading into her milky white skin, indicating her introverted personality. The long slender legs took place of cushion-like paws. Her arms started gaining their initial shape. Her sweat covered body was shining in the moonlight. To put it simply, her wolfish body started morphing into her five feet something human form.

Tom was looking at the site mesmerized. He never had a chance to actually use that spell. He was so caught up that he almost forgot that her sky facing body was nude. When he grasped this fact, however, his face turned red. He looked away instantly. He was so dedicated to building his future that he never had a chance to look at a naked female body directly.

Tom was conflicted about how he felt about her lying there naked. He knew she was his. He had also acknowledged that he was infatuated with her, so it was not exactly wrong for him to see her, gaze at her. In fact, it was his right. However, he was highly aware that he was not alone. The centaur he had abandoned was lurking in the woods. He didn't want anybody else to see her this vulnerable. The site was reserved for his eyes only.

Tom untied the cloak he was wearing and clothed Alexa's body in it, still not looking at her. While he was tying the fabric around her neck, his finger brushed it slightly. He shuddered. Once her body was covered fully, he took in her appearance.

He noticed that his almost six feet robe covered her petite form completely. He liked to see her in his cloak. When he took in her face, he saw the scratches that she had on her delicate face. Tom traced his long, lean fingers along with every single one of them. Her skin was cold. The rage built up inside him. Only Salazar knew how much his wand was itching to cast the killing curse on that blood-sucker, but to his dismay, the curse only worked on mortals. Vampires were considered to be undead, so he knew it wouldn't have worked on Sition.

In the moonlight, he saw her scratches fading. It was like her skin was healing itself. Her face was regaining its usual freckled form. This new revelation surprised Tom.

He had read about werewolf healing. It was natural for half-breeds to heal faster than humans because of animal cells they had in their body, but for any magical creature, scars always prevailed.

"Polaris! This is remarkable."

Tom took his eyes off Alexa to see it was him - the unknown member of the forbidden forest. It appeared to him this new companion of his knew how to sneak around. Playing dumb, Tom asked,

"What is?"

"The speed with which she healed." The centaur muttered, "It is fast even for an animal."

Tom looked back at Alexa. It was indeed fast. Was it because she was a metamorphmagus? Tom contemplated. Metamorphmagi were accustomed to the frequent changes in the body, so the reasoning fitted perfectly. He ran his fingers through her long, silky hairs. They were grey at the moment. No wonder she passed out from exhaustion.

Honestly, Tom should have been disgusted. He always believed in the superiority of wizards over all living creatures including muggles and half-breeds. His life in that orphanage did nothing but concreted this assumption. To him, a werewolf was another half-breed, but Alexa was different. She was a metamorphmagus.

Werewolves were rare.

Metamorphmagi were rarer.

He was sure the hybrid of them was the rarest.

"Riddle, what are you doing here?" A firm voice echoed through the silence of that night.

Dread filled Tom's sharp, well-defined features. Of all people, it had to be him. He cursed under his breath. He composed himself and turned around to see it was him. His least favourite professor in the school. The master of Transfiguration himself.


I know this is not much. Please forgive me if this was bad.

In this chapter, I clarified, why Tom did not Avada Kedavra Sition.

I will edit this chapter soon.

Do you recall chapter 26? It was Dumbledore who woke him up in the morning and played dumb when he talked with Tom. Do you think he had some role in all this mishap? I know I am confusing you.

Anyways, in an upcoming chapter, I hope to reveal some of the secrets.

Please vote and share the story, if you enjoyed reading it and want to read more. It will motivate me.

Thank you all!!!

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