Chapter 10

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Alexa was dreading her next class. The next class was potion making, the class with her least favourite teacher. To top it off, she now had her least favourite person in that class as well. Tom Riddle.

She was not ashamed of what she had done. That insufferably annoying git deserved being hexed. He had pushed her to the cliff and then she had jumped off. It was him, who had pushed her buttons, but this was not the moment to celebrate her victory. Temporary victory, she corrected herself.

She composed herself. No matter what, she wanted to pass in that subject. She smiled to herself when she remembered the arrangement she had made with Logan. Like her, he was weak in potions too. So, they decided to study together and help each other.

She entered in the class. Her eyes were searching for her tormentor, subconsciously. She saw him sitting in his usual seat in the front row. His dark-haired head was bent down to read his book. She clutched her books closer, the sweat gracing her forehead. She became nervous. Hoping that he had not seen her she went to her seat.

Slughorn entered the class and sent a look of admiration toward his elite students, Among them, Tom was, of course, the first one. Then he looked at Alexa. His eyes narrowed, warning her. It was not unusual. Every once in a while she would look at Tom anxiously. Throughout the class he ignored her. He didn't look in her direction even once. Was he finally leaving her alone?


The class dispersed the moment the potion master dismissed it. All were dismissed, but Alexa. She was sitting there in his office. It was her first time to visit the place. Oh no, she had received a detention from the said teacher, but they were never in his office. Slughorn was wise enough to consider her vulnerability towards potions. He wanted to keep his dear potions out of her reach, and so he never arranged her detentions in that place.

At the moment he had left her to collect something for her. Apparently, he had something important to tell her that would change her life. As if it was possible!

"Ah! Ms Winters, so this is a very important year for you," he said to her as he took a seat in front of her.

Alexa nodded her head. It was in her blood to talk only when it was needed.

Taking her affirmation into the account he asked directly. "What are you planning to improve in Potion Making?"

She was surprised. Never had this person shown any concern about her studies, so why now?

"Mr McLaggen and I have decided to study together," she replied and a smile made its way on her lips.

"Mr McLaggen as in Mr Logan McLaggen?" Slughorn asked in disbelief. "Though he isn't as explosive as you," Alexa turned red in embarrassment, "he isn't better in understanding the subject."

Ouch! That was harsh. Not only for her but for Logan as well. The latter one was in Slugclub, so Alexa had the impression that Slughorn was on good terms with him. Now she understood why Logan said he was there because of his name.

"That's why we want to help each other." Alexa defended who she believed was her friend.

"That won't do. I have better plans," Slughorn said.

"What plans?" she asked, completely losing her grasp on the conversation.

"I think it's time for you to have a tutor," her professor continued, "so I appointed you one."

"Believe me, Professor, I am completely fine. I will work everything out," she said trying to convince him.

"I was hoping that from the start." He narrowed his eyes "But clearly I was wrong."

"What about Logan?" she asked hoping he would consider her situation again.

"I will appoint him another one," he replied sternly.

"Professor," she pleaded. Why was he so determined? Alexa couldn't fathom.

"No, Ms Winters. I have already planned out everything. You would meet him every other day in the library after your classes. He would tell you what and how to study. You would do everything he says. One step out of line and you will have to deal with me."

This was not fair. He was clearly threatening her. She was not sure what to think. Why was he concerned about her grades anyway? Actually, it was not her grades that he was concern about, no, not at all. He was just fed up with the accidents she caused.

"Professor what about other important subjects? I won't be able to give them proper attention." She decided to try one last time.

"Are you implying that my subject is not important enough?" Slughorn asked her, his eyes turning into slits. In Alexa's opinion, they were looking just like a snake.

"No. That's not what I meant professor." She said her head turned down again completely defeated.

"Good, now that we have sorted everything out I would like you to meet your tutor. Please come in, m'boy," Slughorn announced.

m'boy? Her mind started to process. He called that only to one person. Oh god no-

"Ms Winters meet your tutor - Tom Riddle."

With that one sentence, he had indeed changed her life.


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