Chapter 19

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It had been two long weeks for Alexa. No matter how much she refused about her being Tom's girlfriend, no one believed her. The people in the Hogwarts were persistent. She had tossed the idea about the photos being a forgery as well. Wherever she went, students, especially female students turned their heads to look at her. Scrutinizing her with their calculative eyes, as if to know if she was worth the attention from the most charming and intelligent pupil of their era. She never received their approval. Not like she wanted either. She was frustrated with their ridiculous whispering. She wanted to avoid the attention. She wanted the ground to swallow her. If not her, the grounds of Hogwarts should definitely swallow those nosy people.

The only thing that happened in favour of her was that Tom maintained some distance between them. No, he had not cancelled his tutoring sessions with her, thanks to Helga for that, but he hadn't evaded Alexa's personal space in that period. He started acting professionally with her. It was odd really, but she was somewhat happy with this change. She was improving in potions. Tom wanted her to improve her theory before going for any practical implementation. Probably he was just trying to save himself from her explosions. She still enjoyed his sessions, not like she was going to admit this openly to him. Oddly enough, she missed him teasing her. She was not going to admit that either.

Those prying people didn't even leave them in the library. After that incident in the great hall, suddenly the library was the most crowded place in the school. To her horror, she was the only one among them who seemed frustrated. It seemed to her that Tom didn't give a damn about those watchful gazes. Maybe he was just used to it.

That day she returned to her common room after her tiring session. Apparently, the Gryffindors had arranged a late-night party in the Room of Requirements. Almost all the Hufflepuffs were invited. Hence their common room was empty.

Tom had given her "Draught of Peace" as an assignment. She couldn't believe she was studying potions willingly. If anyone had told her this a month back, she would have laughed in that person's face. Beside her, Logan was going through his astronomy assignment. They were the only occupants in the room. Like her, he was also not a party person.

"- and that is how asteroid belt protects us," he mumbled to himself. He had a habit to speak aloud a few words of his paragraphs. It always helped him to concentrate on the subject. He was the only person who believed in her, without even asking her details. He respected her privacy.

After completing his essay he stretched his body a little. His eyes landing on the Quidditch circular that announced the upcoming match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Alexa observed the way he diverted his eyes instantly. She had seen the same behaviour before. What was Logan's deal with Quidditch anyway? Wizardry world had this strange obsession with this game. And it appeared to her he was not one of those. She shook her head. Like him, she would also wait for him to open up to her with his secrets.


Alexa wanted to sleep early that night. Since her roommates were invited to that party as well, she had some peace in her dorm. She relaxed on her four-poster. Placing her specs on her side table. Her eyes fixated on the lantern that was next to her side table. The warm light emerged from it was soothing. Unlike other houses, Hufflepuffs prefer copper bed warmers to keep them from the coldness that came with the fact that their common room was in the basement. Before she knew it, she drifted off to sleep.

It was almost midnight. She adjusted her comforter. Owing to her discomfort, she tilted her head towards the right. Her eyes opened in the process, to land on something. What was it? She blinked her eyes a few times to adjust them to her surroundings. Her hand reached forward to adjust the brightness in her room. She took her specs as well. A gasp left her lips when she turned back again and made an eye-contact with those familiar chocolate brown eyes. They were studying her casually. Even in the dark, she could see a shine in them. Sitting right there in her dorm, on her chair was none other than her tutor. And then to top it off he greeted her, a teasing smirk plastered on his pink plump lips,

"Hello, sweetheart!"


I know this is a filler, but it is a base for chapter 20, so stay tuned.

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