Chapter 57

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone who voted on every single chapter of this story. Thank you so much for your consistent support.


          Sitting on the wooden desk in that huge library of that ancient castle, one could classify Alexa as the most awkward person in the whole world. And it was perfectly clear that the girl knew it. Her head was turned down as she absolutely refused to acknowledge this truth. Her hands were clutching each other. Her legs were pressed together tightly. Her body language was screaming that she was trying to shrink herself as much as she could. Her mind was anywhere but on an old, worn-out copy of 'Advanced Potion Making: Book 6' that was placed in front of her.

          "And so this is how we should take precautions while making a Draught of - Where the hell is your mind, Winters?"

          Alexa's neck snapped in the direction of her tutor. More precisely, her lover.

          It had been two weeks, still, everything was new to her. She couldn't believe that the most handsome boy from her school was courting her. Her out of all people. When he could do so much better. She flinched a little at his tone. It didn't need the genius to figure out that he was seething. And she was the reason. To be more accurate, her lack of attention when he was tutoring her.

          "I am sorry. I was distracted," she squeaked to calm him down.

          "Do you think I am a fool to not figure that out? Do you think I have a lot of time doing nothing but tutoring? Let me remind you it was you who needed this. It was you who came to me asking for my damn help," he spat through gritted teeth. He hated when anyone didn't value his time. And Alexa was no exception.

          The badger was happy that his tone was not loud. She wasn't in a mood, nor in a position, to get attention any more than she already was. But that didn't make anything he spoke a little less frightening.

          Now that she was looking at him, she couldn't help but notice him in details. His chocolate eyes were narrowed. They were challenging her to defy him. His straight nose flaring a little and his wide chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to calm himself down. His sharp jaw was clenched from gritting his teeth. His dark curls were dancing on his pale, a little wide forehead. They were out of place from his hand running through them. She had deduced that it was his habit when he was frustrated about something. She deduced that his already sharp features appeared chiselled when he was angry. In short, he looked even more handsome than he did in general. Apparently, in her opinion, anger added charm to his beauty. To her, no matter what he did, it suited him. His features never failed to glorify him in her eyes. And as foolishly in love with him as she was, she didn't notice when her lips parted and words spilt out of them very clearly,

          "You look more handsome when you are angry."

          Once she did that, however, her mind finally noticed what she had done. The moment it happened blood rushed to her originally pale cheeks. She turned red. Redder than a rose. Darker than blood. Her neck crimsoned.

          Tom blinked once.


          His mind finally registered what she had muttered. It had caught him off-guard. Never in a million years would have he thought she would speak something like that. His white upper teeth bit down on his bottom lip, but they failed in suppressing the grin that spread across his face. His eyes twinkled. Muscles relaxed. His blood calmed down. It was like he was never angry. He didn't realize that she had calmed him down.

          "I am happy that you noticed," he teased, enjoying the way she was turning redder, which he found kind of cute. "Now will you tell me why were you not paying attention?"

          "Um-" She hadn't still recovered from her embarrassment. Not trusting herself to speak right words this time, she threw a small glance at the group of some females sitting not far from the couple. Tom looked in their direction. It didn't take him long to know that the girls were not there to study but to spy on the latest couple of the castle. He looked back at his girl. He knew she never liked the attention. She was a girl who wanted nothing more but to fade away in surroundings, but he was a boy who wanted to be known by everyone. And so, he never understood why it affected her this way. She was a metamorphmagus and a part wolf. Much stronger than any normal wizard that was present. So, why did she prefer to live in the shadows? If he was going to keep her, then he had to do something about this. That too, really fast. His grin widened. However, this time it was fuelled with mischief.

          "Oh! This is the problem. You are distracted because they are watching us," he spoke in a confident tone. "So... How about we give them a better show than this?"

          It took two minutes for her to decipher the meaning. And before she could protest anymore he was sitting by her side. She found him placing his right hand around her small waist. His body pulling hers into his. Her eyes widened as his left hand turned her chin in his direction quite roughly.

         "Wh-what are you doing?"

          Of course, she knew what was happening. She was stupid. But not that much. It was just that Tom had done nothing but keeping her close to him whenever they were in public. Apparently, apart from the kiss of possession and dominance, their moments were supposed to be private. He liked it that way. He had made it clear to her when he had taken her with him into the Great Hall for the first time. So why was he breaking the ritual now?

          "Showing off what is already mine." And with that, he leaned down and covered her lips with his.


I know this chapter is short, but my college has started. I don't have that much time to write anymore. So please excuse my delayed update. I hope you will understand how painful it is for me to not be able to spend more time writing.

I just wanted to know, which characters in this story do you like/hate the most and/or why? They need not be OCs. I am just curious, that's it. BTW, I love to write about every single one of them, from Parkinson to Alexa. Everyone. 

Please keep me motivated through your votes and sharing this story with your friends. Also, let me know what do you think of the story through your comments. It is my hobby to read every single one of them.

Thank you all!!!

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