Hamilton - Lafayette x reader

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I know that a couple of people wanted a Hamilton one shot, so . . . Here you go :)


You have been friends with Alexander Hamilton for some time. He has convinced you to fight for the Revolution and both of you are now unpacking your stuff in your tent. You are sharing it with Alex and 3 of his friends. If all of them are like him this will be fun (can you sense the sarcasm) 

"Hey Alex, are you sure I'll like your friends? Will they like me? "

"They'll love you don't worry. I hope you like them. They are very nice, but they might be drunk when we meet them in a little bit."

"Wait, we are meeting up with them in a bar?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"What if one of them tries to hit on me if they are drunk?"

"I'll keep an eye out for you don't worry. They are crazy in a good way."


You and Alex finish unpacking and walk to the bar. Its about a 10 min walk from your tent. You hope nobody gets so drunk that you have to carry them back. As you and Alex enter the bar, your eyes go to one table at the back of the bar. There are 3 men there. The shortest one had his hair pulled back into a ponytail and had a lot of freckles. The middle one was wearing a beanie and had to glasses of beer in his hand. And finally the tallest one, wow. He had tan skin, poofy hair pulled into a bun, beautiful dark eyes and a smile that made your heat melt. As you began to stare at this mystery man, Alex nudged you and lead you over to that table, smirking. As you get closer to the table, you feel your heart pounding out of your chest, but on the outside you are as cool as a cucumber.  Alex introduces you to the three men.

"Hey guys, this is my friend (Y/N). She's going to be in a tent with us, since shes the only girl. (Y/N), This is John Laurens,"

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"This is Hercules Mulligan, drunk already as usual,"


"And this guy is Marquis de Lafayette."

"Bonsoir (Y/N)!"

"It's nice to meet all of you! How about a round of drinks to get this party started!"

"I like this girl already! Bartender, 5 more please!" said Mulligan

"Oui! Another round for mon amis!" said Lafayette


After a couple hours of drinking and mingling, Mulligan and Lafayetter were completely drunk, so you Alex and Laurens decided to bring them back to the tent. Alex and Laurens had to carry the completely unconscious Mulligan, so you were stuck helping Lafayette. You blushed as he practically leaned on top of you , tripping and stumbling over his own feet. The others were way ahead of you at this point. Suddenly, Lafayette tripped and fell, bringing you down with him. He landed on top of you, your faces inches apart. You stare into his dark eyes, blushing. He then leans down and quickly kissed your nose. He began to chuckle.

"You look so cute when you blush!"

He continuously pecked your nose, missing a few times because he was so drunk. He had missed your nose and kissed you on the lips, deepening the kiss a little bit, leaving you a blushing mess. As he noticed, he sat up on your stomach and began to clap and giggle like a little kid.

"You are so cute mon fleur! I just want to... how you say... eat you up!"

Lafayette sat on the floor, letting you get up from the ground. You stood up and helped Lafayette up. He jumped up and landed, once again, inches from your face. You stared into his chocolate eyes, wide with happiness. He leans in and soon closes the gap between you. You couldn't help but lean into the kiss. Even though he was completely drunk and he probably woulnt remember anything that happened, you still kissed him back. You felt your lips interlock like a puzzle piece, moving comletely in sinc with each other. His lips were so soft and gentle. He put his hands around your waist, slowly pulling you closer as you put your arms around his neck. Lafayette slowly began to slide his toungue into your mouth, obviously trying to French kiss (lol). You wanted to let it happen, but then pulled away because you didn't want things to go further than they already have because the poor guy is completely drunk. 

"Come on Laf, you're drunk and have no idea what you're doing. Lets get back to the tent."

Once you both get back to the tent, you see that Alex, Laurens, and Mulligan are passed out. You sit Lafayette down on his bed, take out his bun, take off his jacket and shoes and sit him on the edge of his bed. You sit behind him, brushing his hair as best as you can. You feel like your getting a child ready for bed. Once you're done, lay him down and kiss his forehead and begin to stand up, Laf grabs your wrist lightly and quietly asks you to lay with him for the night. You agree and lay next to him. He puts his arm around you and you rest you head on his chest.


As you wake up the next morning, you feel fluffy hair in your face. You look and see Lafayette now laying on your chest. You begin to blush and move a little bit, causing him to wake up. He yawns and looks up at you, staring deep into your eyes. He sits up, leaving you laying on the pillow

"How did you sleep mon amour?"

" I slept well. How about you? You were so drunk yesterday that you were comletely in love with me. You were pretty much unconscious haha."

"Well, I am no longer drunk but still completely in love with you." 

He hovers over you and kisses you softly. His poofy hair lightly touching your face. You melt into the kiss, happy that it meant something.

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