Chapter 6: Scret Plan

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October 16 2023
David's POV ;
I woke up this morning alone . Their was no Liza and no kids . I grabbed my phone to see what time it was . It's 12pm , I then jump out of bed and walk down the hall . I peeked into Hanna's room and saw that she wasn't in their . Then I peeked into Tommy's room and didn't see them either . I continued to walk down to the living room and I saw them both watching tv . " Hey Dad !" Tommy says with a huge grin . " Hey guys " I say with a wave " where's mommy?" I asked . Tommy points down the hall so I assume she's in the office . I walk to the office door and I look in . I see her at her desk . I walking and she hears me " Hey "She says with a smile , god her smile was so beautiful. " Hey Babe " I say as in walk to her and give her a kiss on the forehead . I look down at her computer and see that she's reading something . I look closer to what looks like a scrips " Babe, what's that ?" I ask as I pull the chair from my desk and I sit beside her . " oh yea I forgot to tell you " she says as she turns to me . Her face looked happy with expression. " What is it ?" I ask . " Babe yesterday I got a role in a tv show ! I'm going to start acting again !" Then the feeling of happiness went all over my face . " congrats babe ! " I say and we both get up and hug . Because I knew how much she loved to act and be apart of something. She hasn't acted since Tommy was like what ? One or something. So I definitely New she was happy .

" we should celebrate " I say and she looks confused " What ? How ?" She asked " When do you start filming ?" " November 1" She says " then we have plenty of time to celebrate. Like let's go on a mini vacation " a bigger smile was put across Liza face when I said that " but I want to go somewhere with some of our friends " she tells me " don't worry babe I got them covered " I say . She jumps up and we hug. Her arms go around my neck and mine go around her waist .

As I was in the office looking up what we should do . I decided to ask the girl that we are going to celebrate for " Liza?" I yell since she wasn't in the office .She walks to the doorway with Hanna in her arms . She was smiling big and her little curly hair was looking wild " Hi baby girl " I say and she smiles even more . Liza walks over to me and hands her to me and laughs . I hug her and she sits in my lap " You called ?" Liza asked " um yea, where would you like to go ?" I asked with a grin . " um I don't know , but somewhere where the kids can also have fun" she says with a smile and I nod . She then walks out of the room .
Then a perfect idea started to bloom into my head . Maybe about three weeks ago , Scotty was telling me how Kristen and Liza was talking about great wolf lodge . That it can be real fun for the kids to run around and play . And for us to . Then I grabbed my phone and made a couple calls for the . Secret Plan .

Liza's POV;
As I was in the living room watch tv with Tommy . I decided to call my parents and tell them the big news . I decided to FaceTime them .
(The FaceTime call )

Liza ; Hi mom !
LizaMom ; Hey Liza , Hi Tommy !
Tommy ; Hi grandma
LizaMom ; What's going on you look happy ?
Liza ; that's because I have some news to tell you
LizaMom ; oh god is it another baby ?
Liza ; "laughs " no mom not that type of news
LizaMom ; okay then what is it ?
Liza ; I've been casted for a new tv show and I start to film November 1!
LizaMom ; aw congrats baby ! I'm so happy and proud for you!
Liza ; thanks mom
Me and my mom then continued to talk for a little longer then we got off the phone . Then later on David walked into the living room with Hanna . " Hey babe shouldn't we call and tell our friends ?" He says as he comes and sits beside us . " Yeah lets do it "  we then decided to call our friends  but first David grabbed his vlog camera to film their reactions .

Soon it was around lunch time and me and David ordered pizza . When the pizza arrived I helped Tommy and Hanna Grace wash their hands . I then set her into her high chair and I helped Tommy into his seat . I grabbed a little princess that Hanna loves an I filled it up with some apple juice . I grabbed a iron man cup and filled it up with some apple juice to . As I was bringing them to the table David was bringing their plants . He had cut up Hanna's pizza and he gave it to her . I then poured me and David a glass of tea and we sat at the table and ate . Tommy started talking about how his birthday was comping up in April . And that if it was warm enough that he wanted to have a pool party with Ella . Then Hanna tried  to talk about Knox and how she wanted to go to Jason's to see him . Because Jason keeps him a lot because we are so busy .

David's POV ;
Soon it's night time and I helped Liza put Tommy and Hanna to sleep . We let Tommy watch a appropriate old vlog of mine . Liza told me I couldn't show him the one where I cut my hand opened at their old vlog house . We then said goodnight to Tommy and then we went to Hanna's room . Liza read her a story about the Cinderella . Then she was asleep . As we walked out of her room Liza said " I think I'm going to get ready for bed " " okay I'll be their soon hopefully " I say and we give each other a kiss . She walked down the hair and into our room and I walked into the office . I sat at my desk and texted the group chat he had meds earlier . Now the Secret Plan is just ready for a Surprise to Liza .
Totally words ; 1078
So we are back ! They kept deleting the chapters that I would upload . Late last night I got a email that this was a problem for a lot of people . So yes hopefully this problem won't happen again . More  chapters coming soon 💗

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