Chapter 31;Mall Time

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Houston, Texas
December 29 2023
Liza's POV ;
I wake up to my name being called . I open my eyes and see David sitting on beside me on the edge of the bed . "Yea?" I mumble still very sleepy . With out checking the time I knew it wasn't past 10 . " Wake up we have breakfast . " he says. He then makes me sit up and I then see Tommy and Hanna Grace sitting at the table eating away . Before I ate I went into the bathroom and used the bathroom , then I washed my hands and face . After that I walk back into the room " good morning babes " I say as I kiss Tommy and Hanna both on the head " morning mama " Tommy said with his mouth filled with food . Hanna was so similar to me . She hates waking up early and she will have a little attitude. I sat back in bed and David handed me a plate with some eggs and bacon . Then a bowl of fruit . After we ate I checked my phone which I had a text from the group chat titled ;
" S I s t e r s🤞🏽💗 "

Rachel ; Good morning girls . Today dad has decided to take us girls out for a trip to the mall . So meet me down stairs in the lobby at 10:30 .
Read at 8:10am
Olivia ; Okay , me and Alexis will meet y'all . Are William and Benny coming also ?
Read at 8:11am
Rachel ; Yeah , I can already tell Liza isn't awake .😂
Read at 8:12am
Olivia ; Right , she's always been the sleepy head . Anyways I'll text here when I'm going down to the lobby .
Read at 8:14am
Rachel; Okay and same
Read at 8:15pm

I couldn't help but laugh . I reply back that I'll meet them at the lobby. After eating I tell David the plans for today . I went ahead and got dressed and I done my hair and makeup . I then get Tommy and Hanna ready. " Hey David ?" I said as I sit down on the bed "yeah ?" He asked turning away from the mirror . " how do we tell our fans about all of this " I said looking down . He then came beside me and sat down .
" how ever you want to babe . Your mom said she didn't care how you told them . You'll come up with a way I just know it " he says and I smile . "Thanks babe " I say as I give him a hug . " no problem " He reply's . Soon we meet them all down stairs and we head to the mall. As we arrive at the mall we head to the food court because that's where my dad said he was. As we see him sitting down at a table we saw that he wasn't alone . Yep he had Hazel,Aaliyah and Maya with him . I should of known ." Hey girls !" My dad says as we approach the table . Him and the other girls stand up and we hug them all . " Hi Thomas " my dad says as he high fives him . " Well let's begin this shopping trip show we " My dad says and we start walking away from the food court . It feels like this is going to be a long day.

David's POV ;
As we are at the mall I decide to grab Tommy and walk around . First we went to the jewelry store to get Liza something . Then we go and sit in one of those chairs what have the moving ball things in them.

" Time lapse ; 12:35 pm "

Soon I get a text from Liza saying
" where are you and Tommy ?
We are about to go to my dads place . Meet at the front entrance "

I then put my phone back into my pocket and I grab Tommy .

Liza's POV ;
When we got to my dads house the guys were their . Well I should say my brothers . I then came up with a plan . To film a video with my siblings about us and what happened with my mom and dad . I went up to David and told him my idea . He then grabbed my hand and walked me up to my old bedroom . " why are we up here ?" I asked David " I knew you would come up with something " he said as he handed me his camera " babe I have my camera in my bag " I tell him . " no not the camera . What's on it " he says . I then look at him confused . He then opens up the camera and shows me a video . I couldn't believe what I was seeing . David had filmed everything . Our talk we had about it all ,The text messages ,Him and the kids flying to Houston, the hotel , me , Olivia and Rachel meeting or new siblings . Everything . I rushed into his arms
" thank you David !" I say into his ear " you welcome " He Reply's . I then head down stairs with David and I tell my siblings everything . They quickly agree to make the video .

After making the video I felt so happy . My siblings will be introduced to everyone and it will all be fine . I just hope no drama starts . Now we are in our hotel room . Thomas and Hanna Grace are fast asleep and me and David are in our beds on our phone "want me to help you edit your video ?" He asked me " of course " I say with a smile . Tomorrow night we will be on a flight back to Los Angles with Olivia and Lexi while Rachel and the boys are on their way to Atlanta . Sometime tomorrow me,Rachel and Olivia will be adding a video to our channels talking about our new family members . About our Long lost Siblings .


Total words ;956

Also just to let you know . Rachel's sons are named William and Benjamin.
Will and Benny for short . Just letting y'all know

Bye babes see y'all Wednesday 💖

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