Chapter 37 :School&Tme

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In the beginning of this chapter Liza will be explaining things that have happened while her being pregnant . But when I but a date that's where they are now .

A day after our gender reveal Carly went into labor and the same day at their baby. Which was a boy named : Ryder Landen Smith . He had Todd's dad hair and Carly's eyes.

In late July Olivia , Kristen , and I finally chose a school for our kids . We decided on a public school so they can have a normal life . We all couldn't believe that our kids will be in PreK in about a week . Me and Kristen bought backpacks for our kids so Olivia could put their initials on them . Tommy chose a light blue color while Alaina chose a hot pink color .

August 5th was their first day of school . We woke up at 7 am to wake Tommy up . He got out of bed on our first attempt and headed straight to his closet where I had his outfit picked out for him . It was a grey shirt with blue strips on it with khaki shorts. He then put in his black vans . We then went into his bathroom so I can do his hair . I'm so happy that tommy doesn't have David's shaggy hair . I love his hair don't get me wrong . But I felt like if he had David's hair he would never let me cut it . I starts to wet his hair and then add a little gel so it won't get frizzy . When we walked into the kitchen David had just finished breakfast and was feeding Hanna in her high chair . We all ate and then Tommy went to brush his teeth . He then grabbed his backpack and lunch box and we headed out side where Kristen and her crew were waiting for us . Alaina was wearing a pretty navy blue dress with a grey bow in her hair and yellow Sandals . Then Olivia and my mom arrived with Alexis. Lexi was wearing light blue dress with a yellow bow and grey sandals . Yes we made them match . We then took pictures with a sign that said " first day of preK" with the date. Soon we all headed into our cars and headed to the school . We walked them into their classroom which they all have the same teacher . We then said our goodbyes and left

Los Angeles , California
September 23, 2024
Time : 5:37pm
Lisa's pov ;

Today I was almost 9 months pregnant . I had just woken up from a nap when I felt something warm . I looked down and noticed I had peed the bed " fuck " I say as I move the covers back until I realize it didn't turn the white sheets yellow " fuck fuck fuck oh my god !" I yelled " David !" I yell and with in 5 seconds he burst into the room " my water broke " I say and his eyes widen " um oh my god what do we do Liza " he says freaking out . He was over reacting like this didn't happen before as if we don't have two kids " David everything is fine . Im not having any contractions so just go call my mom while I changed into dry clothes " I say and he nods while running out the door . How am I calm and he's not ? After I cleaned up I put on black shorts and I white shirt that was David's . He then walks in " um Kristen is here and she will have the kids , she's going to meet Olivia to get Alexis so that she and your mom can meet us at the hospital " he says " thanks Babe" I tell him as I kiss him . We grab our hospital bags and our bags for the twins and we say bye to the kids and Kristen " bye baby belly " Hanna says as Kristen puts her into her car.

When we arrived they put us into a room and a nurse came in to check on me " Mrs Dobrik it looks like your 7 centimeters dilated. Your twins look like they can be born naturally so we will come back in about a hour to check on your more " she says and we thank her . David then starts to vlog me in the bed " babe make a pun while your in labor " he says as he faces the camera towards me " David I'm not in the mood for manual labor " I said and he chuckled " it really wasn't funny " I tell him . Soon a knock was at the door and it opened up to revels my mom and sister Olivia " hey mommy and sis " I say as they come over and hug me " hi baby girl how are you doing ?" She asked " good I'm 7 centimeters dilated" I tell her . We all start to talk about random things . My mom asked what we're naming our boys and we shook our heads . With our first two we kept the names a surprise until they were born and they met everyone. And since these twins are probably out last kids we will be keeping it a secret

9 hours later
Liza's pov ;

Labor was slow . These twins must like it in their . Tommy and Hanna were born quick but not these guys . They already gave me an epidural because contractions are bed . David had nail marks all over his hand but I'm happy he's putting up with it . Soon the doctor came in a announced that I was ready . They happily let David record the birth like the others and they let my mom and Liv stay.

" okay Elizabeth push " the doctor tell me and I list "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" a nurse counts " owe oh my god !" I scream while panting . David then propped the camera up so it can show us and my legs but not my area . He quickly held my hand " babe you got this I promise " he says as he kissed my cheek . With a couple more pushed we hear a cry " baby A is out and he's healthy the doctor says as she shows us . He was adorable . A nurse cleaned him up and wrapped him up and about a minute later or other baby came  out .

We saw both of them. They were adorable and stopped crying once they got close to us . David held baby A while I held Baby B
" Elizabeth what would you like to name them?" The doctor asked . Me and David looked at each other " Baby A's name is :
Julian Kyler Dobrik " David said as he looked down at him quietly and peacefully sleeping "And Baby B's band is : Jet Connor Dobrik " I say as we look down at them .

After they took the baby's to the baby area they showed us their birth certificates:

   Name : Julian Kyler Dobrik
Single or multiple: twin
Born : September 24 , 2024
Time : 2:40 am
Weighted : 4 pounds and 2 oz
Born to : Elizabeth Shaila Dobrik and David Julian Dobrik

Name : Jet Connor Dobrik
Single or multiple : twin
Born : September 24 , 2024
Time :2:42 am
Weighted :4 pounds and 2 oz
Born to: Elizabeth Shaila Dobrik and David Julian Dobrik

Total words : 1196

Are you surprised by the names ?
I got Julian from David's middle name
And Jet from Liza's character

Please vote

Until next time 💜

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