Chapter 28: Houston ?

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December 27 2023 / 1:00pm

Liza's POV ;

Today David is going to be with Scotty and Ella to this huge indoor playground. Kristen and Isaac are not going because she's taking him to the doctor . I told David I wasn't going and that I will keep Hanna with me . After they left for the park I got a text from Rachel

" Rachel: Can you come by the hotel ?"
I replied " yes I'll be their in 30"
I got Hanna dressed then I got myself dressed . I pulled my hair back into a bun and did my basic makeup routine. I then grabbed Hanna's and mine little bag . And we headed out the door .

When I arrived I got Hanna out and we walked in . When we arrived to the right hotel room we knocked . Shortly later the door opened and their stood Rachel . She said nothing when she let me in . She then closed the door behind me and faced us . She rushed into a hug .
" Rachel what's up ?" I ask concerned . She then sat me down on one of the beds in the room . " It's about dad " she spoke . I raised my eyebrows " what about him ?!" I ask nervously. " He said its time for us all to talk . For us all to know the truth " I was shocked and confused. " Rach , why couldn't you just tell me this over the phone ?" I asked ." And where are Will and Benny ?" I added while looking around the hotel room . " They are at this play thing here at the hotel . And because I thought it would be better in person . " she said . She then got up and went to her bag and pulled out a envelope.
" Dad sent this to my new house in Atlanta . I'm guessing he got the address from someone back in Houston " she spoke and she walked towards me handing me the envelope. I looked at her before I opened it . And I read it

Dear Rachel ,
I'm guessing your mother has told you by the fact that you and your sisters are avoiding my calls . I get it I would be mad too . I'm sorry for what I have put you all through . I would like it if you and your sisters to fly down to Houston so we all can talk in person . So you all can know the truth .
Saying it over the phone won't help anything and you know it . Please have you and them , try to fly out to Houston .
Love , your dad .


Once I read it I looked up at Rachel . I didn't know what to say . Do I stay in LA or do I fly to Houston to find out the truth ?

David's POV ;
As we were at the park I got a text from Matt King . I put my camera down and I opened up the text .

" Matt ; hey your with Scotty right ?
David ; Yeah why what's up ?
Matt ; can you FaceTime real quick ?
David ; Yeah sure "

I then got Scott and we walked over to a park bench with Tommy and Ella . I looked around to see that we are the only ones in the park . Then the FaceTime call came in and I propped up my phone so we all can be on the shot . " Hey David and Scott " Matt says with a wave . " Hey guys " me and Scott say in unison. " Aww look at Tommy and Ella !" Rosalie, Matt's wife of 1 year said . " So what's up ? Why you wanted to FaceTime ?" Scott asked as Ella sat on his leg . " Well it would be better to show you then tell you " Matt said . I was confused " So is what ?" I asked .
I then see a stick with two red lines on it " no way !" I say loudly " oh my god " Scott says " were pregnant !" They both said . Me and Scott congratulated them and they thanked us . " How far are you ?" I asked " only like  2 weeks or so "  Rosalie said with a smile . " Well you and Bella are only a month apart " Scott added " oh yeah " I said in remembering that Bella was only one month pregnant . " well we gotta go and call our other friend . David text me when you are at the house with Liza so we can tell her " he spoke " same with Kristen, Scotty " Rosalie added . We then get off the phone .
" wow I feel like everyone is having a baby " Scott said " yeah everyone but us " I say as a joke and we both laugh

Liza's POV ;
Now I'm back home with Hanna . Rachel called my mom and Olivia to tell them that she's in town . They are on their way to the hotel to talk to Rachel now . As me and Hanna are in the living room I hear a car door shut . I'm guessing David and Tommy are back . Then the front door opens " Honey I'm home " David said in a weird voice I couldn't help but laugh . He walks toward the sofa for a hug and we embrace into one . " Ima go put my camera on charge and I'll be back " he said and I nodded . Tommy and Hanna both followed him down the hall . When he came back he sat beside me on the sofa . " Tommy and Hanna are watching a movie in the play room " he said as he put his arm around me . I smile and nodded . " what's wrong ?" He asked I looked at him and thought for a moment . I should tell him because what if we do end up flying to Houston . I then told him everything . " Babe , I'm sorry " he said as he hugged me tight ." When will you find out if y'all might go ?" He asked . Just then my phone went off . I looked and saw it was Rachel calling me . " now i guess " I said and I picked up the phone .
(The call )
Liza ; hey what's up ?
Rachel ; Olivia and I both want to go to Houston to find out there truth . But we are not going with out you . If you want to go let's go . But if not we aren't going with out you .
Olivia ; it's your choice
/ I then turned to face David /
Liza ; I guess we are going to Houston .
Total words ; 1043
To be continued ...

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