Chapter 10: Last day

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October 19 2023 . Time : 9:00am

Liza's POV ;
Today's our last day at Great Wolf Lodge . I can tell that the kids aren't ready to go . We have to check out of our hotel by 4pm so we have time to have more fun . We all go ahead and get dress in our bathing suits so after breakfast we can hit the water park one more time . As we were eating David had gotten a phone call " I'll be back I have to take this " I nod and he leave the table . " Who has Knox ?" Kristen asked as she grabbed her cup . " Jason and Trisha " I say as I wipe off Tommy's face he had syrup on it . " Oh yeah I forgot that y'all share him " she says and we continue eating. I turn around to see where David went. He's still talking on the phone he looks mad or upset . I then see him turn my way and I quickly turn around . Hopefully he didn't see me . About two minutes later he came back and sat down " Who was that ?" I asked " No one important " he says and he continues to eat .

Soon we all were done and we headed to the water park . Us girls decided to stay with the little ones and the guys ran off with most of the GoPros . "Liza can you take a picture of me and your kids ?" Gabbie says " of course " I say . Like why wouldn't I because one she's their god mom . And two she's my best friend . She then gathers around them booth " Cheese " I say and they smile big . I showed Gabbie the picture which turned out cute . " like go hit the park " Corinna day and we all grab a GoPro . We take the kids to the kiddy area and let them play . I feel like we got some really good footage .

David's POV ;
( a little time lapse )
Me and the guys were on our way to find the girls . We went on a lot of rides and I feel like we got some good footage . We then find the girls in the shallow part of the wave pool . We decide to join them for a while and get some more footage . Soon it was around 1pm so we decide to go back to the room . We all get out of our wet clothes and into dry ones . We finished packing our bags . Liza pulls a outfit out for both Tommy and Hanna "What are those outfits for babe ?" I asked looking confused like " Just Incase they get dirty or anything " she says and I nod . She then outta them in her bag . " Okay me and Scott are going to take the bags down " I say and we say by to the girls .

When we get back from taking the bags down we all go meet up for lunch .
After lunch Liza and the girls decided to take the kids to the " Northern Lights Arcade." When we enter we got come coins and had fun . Their were some little easy games for kids Tommy and Ella's age . Their also was a photo booth where we all took pictures in . It was like a mini Chuck E. Cheese . We spent a hour in their then we left . " theirs one more thing to do " Gabbie says " oh yeah I almost forgot "  Liza says . We then walk down one of the halls and their was a place called "Creation Station " where the kids could make their own little Great Wolf Lodge character and all. " woah " Ella says as we walk in . " Hello my name is Ally how may I help you ?" The woman with dirty blonde hair said . " Hi we would like to make a little character " Liza says " Aw, so how many ?" She asked " four " Kristen replied . " Okay the four follow me " She says and we tell the kids to follow her " So what's yalls names ?" She asked " I'm Tommy " He says loud and proud " Ella " she says shy like . Hanna and Isaac didn't say anything " this is Hanna Grace and Isaac " Kristen says " well it's nice to meet you all . " Ally says nicely . " so which one would you like ?" She asked the kids and they all pointed at the ones they would like . Then they created them and got to pic out their outfits . Then we payed for them and left . I wanted to go but the gift shop to get a souvenir. And that where we were headed to .

Liza's POV ;
The kids were so happy with their characters that they made . We the. Stopped by the gift shop because Zane and the guys wanted to . We all decided to get a souvenir to remember this moment . " Today we have a sale . If you buy a book bag it comes with a free tee shirt of your choice . And we can add your child's name to it " a man said from behind the counter . " let's do it " Said David  . We then let the kids pic out a book bag of their choice . The. Us adults picked out their shirt . As we were walking to the front to pay for our stuff I heard a baby cry . It was Nixie and then Melanie started . " We are going to step out real quick " Corinna says and we nod . Zane and Dom stay to pay for their shirts they got . " What names will we be putting on the back ?" The man said " On the blue one it will be the name Tommy and the pink one will be the name Hanna Grace " David says " and what color ?" He asks " Black" we both say in unison . We both look at each other and laugh . We payed for ours hen waited for Kristen and Scott and we left .

We then went to check out of the hotel . After we did we all walked outside . " let's all get a group picture " Gabbie says . She then asks a random man to take our picture and he does " 1,2,3 cheese " he says " cheese " we all say . We then look at the picture and it turns out cute . " I'll send it to you all " Gabbie says and we nod . We all said our goodbyes and headed to our cars .

We get in ours and make sure we have everything . I then put the extra outfits that I packed for the kids into their book bags with snacks we had from the hotel room . I handed to them and they set it down . David then turned his camera on and propped it on the dash " So kids what did you name your characters? " David asked them " Umm Ima go with Flash !" Tommy says and  I giggle " what about you Hanna Grace ?" I asked as I turned to face her " Lulu " she says but we barley understood her " Did you say Lulu ?" David asks and she nods . We soon pull over at a gas station  to charge David's car a little . "babe we have to make a out tro " David says . Tommy and Hanna get it if their car seats so they an be in the full shot .
" Well as you know we went to Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate Liza getting casted on a tv show . We had so much fun but the only way I could really show you guys would be through a montage . So like I always say if you went to Great Wolf Lodge and didn't make a montage did you really go to Great Wolf Lodge "

He says as we laugh because it's always funny how he does it . He then goes into the gas station and gets so snacks and then we are on our way back to LA.

Totally words: 1286
I might not have school tomorrow because it's might snow in my state . So hopefully more chapter coming early  .
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