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IT WAS LIKE THEY TALKED for years and years, like two friends catching up on everything that had happened while the other was gone.

Well, that's exactly what it felt like.

Eleven and Claudia spoke to each other about random things, things that made the other laugh and smile. They were inseparable when they were together, kind of like magnets. Unbreakable, strong when together, hard to pull apart. They both needed each other a lot. Not just for company, but for strength and to reassure them that they weren't alone.

The two runaways had been going to other places, stealing Eggos with no regrets. They acted like stealing food was a daily basis.

Well, you know what they say: Prepare for trouble, and make it double.

So here the girls sat again just like the other day, shoving Eggos down their throats as they talked and talked and talked. But, just when Claudia was about to take another waffle, she could hear shouting. She heard as two familiar boys pleaded for help. Claudia looked over at Eleven, seeing that Eleven had heard them as well because she had already looked over at Claudia.

Dropping the packets of Eggos in their hands, they ran together to Dustin and Mike, hoping that they were okay. Well, of course they weren't okay because Claudia could hear the pain and cry in their voices.

And here the brunette was back to the only thing she was good at.


Her running had definitely improved throughout the years that she had ran away. Always thinking that something (or even someone) was watching her. The darkness scared her the most, always needing to run away from the unknown. Her mind always thought of the worst when it came to facing the dark, a monster could be standing right behind her. Or even a clown with razor teeth could be hiding behind one of the large oak trees.

Sometimes she thought that Mike was there.

Sometimes her hallucinations got to her and she would hear him say her name.

Sometimes she thought that Mike was actually there when really he wasn't.

He could never have been there.

"No seriously man, don't do it!" The voice of Dustin cut Claudia out of her thoughts as the two had finally reached their location. They hid behind trees and bushes, Claudia's eyes scanning to where the scene was, just in time to see Mike take his one last glance over at Dustin who was struggling in Troy's grip. There was a knife hovering over her best friend's face and Claudia's eyes widened.

She had always hated Troy and James, they were bullies to her and the party.




She could go on forever and ever, she could keep going till the end of the world. There were too many names they called them that Claudia couldn't even keep up.

"Hey Claudia!"

"Hey Mike. Over."

"You sound sad, what's wrong? Over."

"...Troy. Over"

"What did he call you this time? Over."

"T-That I'm useless and weak. Over."

"Oh Claudia..."

"Am I useless and weak? Over."

"No! No you are not. D-Don't listen to those rude boys, okay? Because you are probably the opposite of what they call you, you're awesome and amazing and such a cool friend. You are my best friend and I'm glad that you are. Over."

"Thanks Mike. Over."

"It's fine, Clauds. Maybe you can come over to my house for dinner and a sleepover? We can talk about anything that is on your mind. Over."

"Sounds great, see you soon. Over."

"Bye! Over and Out."

The brunette looked over at her crush who was staring down at the cliff, only for her mouth to be open in pure shock and her shaky hand covering it when she saw Mike jump. But she didn't need to be worried because when she turned to her side to look at Eleven, she was out in the open with blood trickling from her nose.

Eleven was using her powers to pull Mike back from his leading death.

She could always count on her.

When Mike was brought back to the Earth's ground, Eleven had broken Troy's arm and told them to run away (which they wasted no time doing). The hero felt her body's muscles become weak from using her powers so much and she collapsed to the floor. Claudia watched the scene roll as Mike and Dustin ran over to her side, Eleven beginning to cry as she spoke. "The gate...I opened it. I'm the monster."

Mike shook his head as his lips curled into a small yet comforting smile, one that Claudia longed to see for a very long time. "No. No, El, you're not the monster. You saved me!" He replied.

And he helped her sit up, his arms caging around her in a big hug and Dustin joined in as well.

Eleven looked over to where her and Claudia were hiding to find her friend staring right back at her. She smiled sadly and a tear trickled down her cheek. But before Eleven could let go and go to Claudia, she walked away.

Leaving Eleven questioning where she was probably going to go.









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