Chapter 15

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I wriggled my eyes slowly with quivered lips as I woke up in the morning. I saw with my half-closed eyes that I was covered with the sheet entirely and lying straight facing the ceiling unlike last night when I saw myself wrapped around in Niall’s arms. I turned to my left to notice Niall lying beside me with his back facing the ceiling and his elbows resting on his pillow. He was busy playing games in his mobile.

“Good morning” He said, his eyes fixated on the mobile screen.

“Good morning” I replied with a yawn.

“Did you sleep well last night?”

“Ahh haa” I retorted covering my eyes with my palms.

“It’s 8.30 Am now. Be ready when you wanna go home.”

I made an “Mmmm” sound out of fatigue and turned sideways trying to go back to sleep again. Just then I felt Niall resting his body over my back as his arm across my stomach held me close to him. He kept his chin on my left shoulder and kissed my left cheek.

“You don’t wanna leave right?” He murmured into my ears.

I shook my head and smiled.

He laughed into my ear and bit it as I giggled. I turned to face him and slowly opened my eyes. Niall rested his head on his right palm as his right elbow was placed on my pillow. His left arm reposed on my stomach. I smiled seeing him and played with his hair.

“Your eyes look so pretty in the morning.” He said.

“I don’t see why you love my eyes so much.” I smiled.

“Was that a dimple on your right cheek?” He asked out of the blue and looked excited.

“Ya….I have a tiny dimple that curves on my right cheek. But why?” I wondered.

He smiled, shook his head and retorted,” I've always wanted my girlfriend to have a dimple.”

I turned scarlet as I smiled widely.

“I should get up now.” I said.

“Ahh….I hate letting you go.” Niall responded as he touched his forehead with mine.

“Sorry” I said and got up from the bed. I stepped down and tied my hair into a bun as Niall glared at me.

“I need that blue toothbrush you gave me last time.” I said.

“It’s in the bathroom, inside the toothbrush holder.” He replied.

“You kept it there?”

“Yes” He smiled attracting one from me too.

I went to the bathroom to pee and then brush my teeth. I washed my face repeatedly as my eyes were smudged with mascara and eye-liner. After coming out, I went to the living room to grab my clutch that lied on the centre table. I fetched the hanky and rubbed my eyes nicely in order to make myself look decent at least. Niall came out sooner wearing the white tee and blue jeans that he wore the first day we met in college. His hair looked messy. I grabbed my clutch, mobile and the red rose all from the centre table and wore my shoes. Niall took the keys and his mobile as we left the apartment. As he locked the apartment, I ran my fingers through his hair to get it brushed thus, drawing a smile from him. Suddenly, I saw a guy along with a girl coming out of the elevator. I looked nicely and realized that the girl was a local television soap opera star and the guy was a famous soap opera director.

“Oh my God, they live here?” I gasped as I saw Kumar smile looking at them.

“Who?” Niall asked as he put his mobile and keys inside his pocket.

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