Chapter 33

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It is 9th April, 2012 today which meant that it is the last day of our college. I was quite sad about it and to add to it, my nightmare came back again. Actually, it has been a regular intruder in my sleep all these days. Waking up with tears in my eyes has become a normal thing now. Even though, I should have become immune to the nightmare retrieving every night, the scenes of my parents and sister lying on the field in pool of blood along with Niall missing after I confess him my feelings, tears me apart every time. It has taken control of my mind so deeply more so because I couldn't decipher its implication that I stayed frightened and possessed a bad temper almost all the time.

Niall has been the biggest victim of my bad temper these days. He has been an understanding and caring boyfriend though to realize that something has been bothering me but unfortunately, I didn't let him in at all. I knew he would scream his heart out after hearing the nightmare that he loves me and I couldn't help but believe him because I do but I also knew that there was something more into it, something that I was overlooking. Something more complicated.

The only analysis that came to my mind was of Niall leaving me. However, I knew that couldn't happen in anyway. I trusted him and knew him enough to have this belief in my heart that he will never break my heart. Then what? I pondered over and over again but couldn't come up with any suitable solutions.

Anyway, I left my apartment exactly at 10.50 Am today. On reaching college after about fifteen minutes later, I as usual found Niall waiting for me. He leaned against a tree with both of his hands inside his pockets. He wore the exact same dress that he wore the first day we met in college. The shades that I gifted him were sitting tight on his nose. I inhaled and exhaled a deep breath realizing how fascinating he looked.

“Good morning” I smiled as I walked up to him.

“Girls rule the world?” He pointed his index finger at my top with the same text message.

“Don’t we?” I raised my left eye-brow.

“Ya, sure, right.” He raised his hands.

“Yes, we do. We bring new lives and that’s the end of the whole discussion.” I nodded.

“Okay, feminist, let’s go in now. I'm sorry I pointed at your top.” He responded with wide-apart eyes.

I smiled as we both entered the college. We walked through the gateway and corridors to finally reach our classroom. We entered the classroom and made our way towards our seats. We dumped our bags on the floor as we occupied our seats. No sooner did we sit than Sir Bose arrived. His stout and robot like appearance was prominent even today when he knew that it was our last day of college. He simply opened his books and some notes he prepared for us and commenced to lecture.

“You know, the only good thing about college ending is that I don’t have to write so much any more.” Niall said.

“I agree” I replied.

“Do you? I think you pretty enjoy that.”

“I wanna do well in the semesters so I don’t like to take risks also I don’t have a good memory like you.”

“All right, calm down. What is it with you and your grumpy mood these days? Would you tell me already?”

“It’s not a big deal just examination pressure.”

“How come it hit you so hard now?” He bent his head down a little to take a good glimpse of my face.

“Oh God, you question so much. Obviously because the semester starts after a week.” I made an irritable face.

“You know, I’ll lose my calm sometime these days now. I'm just so done with your bad temper.” Niall retorted turning his face away from me.

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