• Chapter 50 •

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• Kaye POV •

"Mom said you can't leave the house, where are you going?" Cameron asked me. "Nowhere." I mumbled. "Well you can't walk out that door according to mom."

"I can't believe you actually told for something so little, because your date didn't go well." I snapped.

He rolled his eyes and I smirked because he knew I was right.

I felt Matthew arms wrap around my waist. I smiled, as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Hi." I smiled. "You look cute today." He smiled. "Um, don't I look cute everyday?" I asked. "I can never win with you." He chuckled.

"Cameron, her flight landed." Nash said, walking in the room. "Who's flight?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Nash said.

I hate surprises.

"Where's carter?" Cameron asked. "Right here." Carter said walking in, with Madison on his back.

"Aw how cute are you guys?" I asked. "no cuter than us." Matthew told me. I kissed his cheeck, "you're right." I smile.

"We'll be back, make sure Kaye doesn't leave the house." Cameron told Carter.

Me and Matthew are leaving as soon as Cameron does.

"Alright, bye." Carter said. Nash and Cameron got in the car and drove to the airport.

"We'll be back." Matthew said. "Where are you guys going?" Carter asked. "Just for a walk. Don't tell cam." I said.

"I won't." He said. "Now we have our alone time." He smirked kissing Madison's neck, causing her to laugh.

"Ew." me and Matthew said. We walked out and walked down the street hand in hand.

We walked in silence, but not an awkward silence, a good silence.

I looked up at him and he stopped and looked at me. "what?" I asked. "You looked at me first." He chuckled.

"I just love you a lot." I smiled.

"I love you." He smiled kissing me.

I jumped his back and he held the back of my legs, keeping me up. I turned my head, kissing his cheek.

He smiled and continued walking. "relationship ship goals." I heard. I looked to see a couple of girls, walking.

I laughed to myself and got down. We walked down to the outlets and Matthews face lit up.

"What?" I asked. "My favorite hats on sale!" He yelled pulling me over to the store.

(AN: Matthew looks cute in his bucket hats😏😍)

"I swear you're obsessed with these things." I laughed. We kept trying on different ones and he put one on me.

"Aw. they look cute on you." He smiled. I laughed and he bought them. "Wear it." He said, once I put the hat in the bag.

"I like wearing your beanies." He said. "I flushed those down the toilet, but we have plenty of these!" He smiled holding up the hat.

I laughed and put it on, "just for you." I smiled.

I hated the hat on me, but it made him happy, so I wore it.

We sat down at the park bench and an ice cream truck came by. I looked at him and he looked at me.

Our faces lit up and we ran over like little kids.

"Order for me." I said told him once I got a text. He nodded and I looked at my phone.

From Poo Bear: I need my best

friend ):

I frowned and texted him back

To Poo Bear: I'm on my way back, be there soon

"Hey, Matthew. can we walk back?" I asked him. he nodded and gave me my ice cream.

• Hayes POV •

"Are you sure you're okay?" Nash asked me. "I'll be alright." I shrugged. I didn't want to speak to anyone but Kaye, she just knows the right things to say in serious situations.

I texted her and went upstairs and laid on my bed.

She texted back instantly.

From Sweet Cheeks: I'm on my way back, be there soon

I went downstairs and Cameron walked in with Sierra.

"And this is Hayes, Nash's little brother." Cameron smiled. "Hi, I'm Sierra." She smiled.

Kaye isn't going to be happy when she gets back. I don't know why Kaye doesn't like her, but seeing the pictures I knew they were really close.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Did you eat?" Cameron asked me. I shook my head, "well when Kaye and Matthew get back we're gonna go eat." He said and I nodded.

I wasn't up for going out, but I wasn't going to bring everyone down by staying, especially when they know I'm upset.

I wasn't crying or anything, I'm just down. My friends sent me a picture of Jordan and some boy and he told me they've been seeing each other for a month now.

I didn't know if I believed it or not, but Jordan wouldn't do something like that.

The door opened and Kaye walked in along with Matthew. she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her torso.

"You okay?" She asked. "I just want to talk." I said. she nodded and pulled away.

We were going to walk upstairs, but Kaye was stopped my Sierra.

Kaye's expression changed and she was mad.

"Hide the knives." Madison mumbled.


Quick rant:

If you guys have a problem with my book stop reading it, stop being rude and sarcastic with the comments.

It's not a lot, it's actually like one or two people, but I don't want to keep seeing them.

I don't care if you guys correct me on a spelling error or wrong facts about one of the boys, just don't be rude about it.

Thank you(:

But thank you everyone who is nice about it and comments nice things! you guys keep me going. Ily!(:

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For the next chapter!

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