Chapter 18

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"So Meadow told me everything and showed me the video." Lenny walked into my apartment with a large pizza in his hands.

"And you're telling me this because?"

"Because I am already designing your wedding dress."

"Lenny doesn't do that. I don't even know if anything is happening. If I even want anything to happen."

"You have to want something."

"People might think I'm a gold digger if they knew I was poor."

"Well if they think that, then they are just gonna have to live with it. I saw the interview he did right before getting on his jet. He looked like he really liked you. And now with you out of the picture with Mr. King I can snatch him up." I laughed.

"You could have snatched him up before. We had nothing going on."

"Mhm." He hummed disbelieving.


"Good morning Marie." I smiled and waved. She smiled back. She was on the phone so she couldn't really say anything else. I walked towards the elevator passing by the many businessmen and women. They work so hard such a shame anyone of them could be fired any minute.

I walked into the elevator and pressed the top floor button. I watched as the doors closed and then it started to go up. When it reached the top floor, I prepared myself for whatever Mr. King is going to have me do today.

When the doors opened, a girl came crying out of Mr. King's office. I kept my eyes on her as she came running towards the elevator. I stepped out of the elevator still watching her frantically press the 1st-floor button. The doors shut and I turned around.

"Good to see you actually showed up today." Mr. King said. I looked up and saw him standing in front of my desk.

"Yeah, this is work I can't exactly take every day off."

"You seemed to have a different opinion about that the other day."

"I needed a few days off to myself. I can't have that?"

"Not when you are lying about being sick and going to see your boyfriend at the airport."

"One, he is not my boyfriend. Two, what was I supposed to say. 'Hey Boss I am not going to be at work because my best friend dragged me to the airport.'"

"This will never happen again or you are fired."

"Ok Boss. So who am I firing today?"

"No one you need to set up a meeting room. Everything must be perfect. There are going to be very important people there including your boyfriend. A few of their sons are going to be there too to observe and take notes."

"Ok, I'll get that done right away."

"You better. Also, pull your damn shirt up." He walked back into his office. I looked down at my shirt and it was hanging a little too low. I quickly pulled it up and then went to the elevator. I went down one floor to the meeting rooms and quickly fixed one up.

I was about to go back up to the top floor, but then people started coming into the room. Mr. King was the last one in.

"Bella do you have everything you need?" He asked before he shut the door.

"Yes." I grabbed my notebook from the side table and took a seat next to him. I scanned the room to see who was in the room and when I made eye contact with Tyler he smiled.

"Are you ready?" Hunter asked. I nodded and finished looking at everyone. There were a few older men and then they had younger guys around the age of 20-22 by them. They were staring at me most of the time. I guess Hunter noticed.

"Is there a problem boys?" Hunter asked the three guys who were looking at me.

"No." One of them spoke up. Hunter looked at him disbelievingly and then went back to talking.

"Now if we just look at these years...."


"Thank you for coming."

"No thank you for allowing us to bring our sons to one of these meetings. They learned a lot I'm sure." One man said. Hunter nodded and they left.

"Good-Bye Amore. See you around." Tyler said before he left. Hunter shut the door behind him.

"You shouldn't be 'seeing him around.'" Hunter said as we walked to the elevator.

"My personal life outside of work is really none of your business."

"It is when my assistant's job is in danger. Remember at the charity event when I said there were bad people there. If he was there, he would be part of those people. You're just lucky Adrian Moore didn't find you." We walked into the elevator and I pressed the top floor button.

"Who's that?"

"Adrian Moore is a very powerful man. Not as powerful and rich as me of course, but he is up there."

"What would he want from me?" We stepped out of the elevator and walked to my desk.

"Everything." He said before he walked into his office leaving me standing there beside my desk.


"I've been meaning to ask you about that girl that came running out of your office crying this morning," I said and sat down in a chair in front of the desk.

"I called you in here so I could give you files to put away not ask about my love life."

"Oh, so you had a fling huh?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that. It lasted a few weeks."

"And did you actually spend time with her other than fuck her?"


"A fling. Let me guess she thought you guys had something but you being your grumpy self said no and kicked her out?"

"Half right. I was not grumpy, she wouldn't leave me alone. She kept calling my work phone and leaving stupid messages."


"That is enough Miss Amore. I would not like to discuss what people I have relationships with. Now take these files and put them in the filing cabinets in alphabetical order." He slid the files to the edge of the desk and I picked them up. I carried them over to the filing cabinets. Then I went over to grab a chair to stand on.


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