Chapter 54

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"You look beautiful Bella." Ann complimented as she walked into my room. I finished putting mascara on and then closed the container.

"Thank you." I smiled and looked at myself one more time in the full-length mirror.

"Is Mathew ready to get this over with?" I asked and she let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, he is downstairs waiting." I nodded and we both walked out of the room. She walked down first, and then I was right behind her. When Mathew saw me, his eyes lit up, and smiled. I smiled back.

"You look stunning." He said when I reached him.

"You look very handsome."

"Pictures!!!" His mom shouted and ran into the room with a huge camera. Before we were even ready, a flash went off.

"Mom," Mathew complained but still put on another smile.

"Oh shut up this is very important. I finally have a son going to prom."  Hunter didn't go to prom? Who doesn't?

Mathew wrapped his arm around my waist and we smiled together. His mom took pictures from every angle possible. I think I might go blind from the flashes.

"Mom you're killing them with the flashes," Hunter said as he leaned against the wall in his white t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Nonsense right guys?" She looked over at us and we said nothing. "Ok sorry. You guys can be on your way soon. Just need to go over a few rules. No going to a hotel to have sex." I started coughing.

"Are you serious? I wouldn't do that."

"I know you wouldn't. Mathew though. He is a mini James and Hunter. He is bound to want something on this special night."

"Well, I hate to break it to you Mathew. It's not happening."

"Wasn't even thinking about that. Walking in with my arm around you is enough. Telling everyone I had sex with you kind of pushing it." I nodded.

"Curfew mom?" Hunter reminded me almost as if it was the most important thing.

"12 at the most. I would rather you be home earlier though."

"Ok bye, we have a big limo waiting outside for us."

"Can I talk to Bella before you leave?" Hunter asked. Mathew nodded and went outside to greet the driver. Hunter came over to me with a smile.

"You look amazing."

"Thanks, you look good too in your comfy outfit."

"Yeah. So if you need anything call and I'll be there."

"I know. I know. I'll have a great time. Mathew seems like an ok guy."

"That's because you are here. If you weren't I don't think he would still be alive."

"That's a bit extreme."

"If you knew what it is like to have a sibling you would."

"Mom, Hunter is stealing my date," Mathew complained from outside. Hunter rolled his eyes.

"This is what I am talking about. Also, most of his friends are lonely so they will be all over you. Have fun." He walked away without giving me a chance to say anything back. I turned and walked outside to the limo. He wasn't lying he really did get the big and unnecessary limo.

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