Chapter 65

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"Hunter are you home?" I asked. I waited a few seconds and knocked again. Well, he is probably at work. I'll just wait. I sat on the floor with my back against his door.


"Bella? What are you doing here?" A voice asked. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Hunter. His suit jacket was in his arms and he looked exhausted.

"Um I came here to talk, but you weren't home," I answered. I rubbed my eyes and stood up.

"Well, what do you want to talk about? I have guests coming over and I don't need them thinking I have a girlfriend or anything."

"I'm getting married." He stayed quiet for a second.

"Ok congratulations I guess."

"To Ryan."

"So you need to talk about why? You got back together with your ex I get it. Have fun, Miss Amore."

"Well, I guess if we are going to be professional now. Mr. King. I need you to help me look over the contract to help me find some way to get out of it."

"Bring it to my office tomorrow we can talk then. Is that all, my guests will be here in half an hour and I need to get ready."

"That's all bye." I walked down the hallway away from his penthouse. I heard him shut his door as I walked into the elevator.


Next Day

I got up early and got ready to go to Mr. King's office. Luckily, Ryan left while I was gone yesterday and he never came home. Maybe if he dies I'll be out of this deal.

I took pictures of the contract late last night and it took forever to find the damn thing. I left quickly because who knows when he'll be back.

"Hi, Marie." I greeted as I walked into the building. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello, Bella. Did you finally take Mr. King's offer to be his assistant again?" I shook my head.

"No Marie. I have a great job in modeling right now. I did have a few good memories here though."

"Well, whatever makes you happy. I think Mr. King is in a meeting right now, so I guess you can wait in his office." I nodded.

"Thank you."

"No problem Bella. Good luck." I nodded and walked to the elevators. I walked into the elevator I once went into the every day. I pressed the top floor button and waited patiently for the elevator to take me there.

When I got to the top floor, I went to Mr. King's office right away. He wasn't in there like Marie said so I waited on one of his couches. Still clean, I'm surprised he hasn't got to the point where he wanted to trash everything yet.

"Miss Amore, what are you doing here?" Mr. King asked. I looked in his direction and saw a familiar blonde in his arms. I stood up.

"Mr. King good morning. I recall a conversation we had last night about me coming in for your help with a contract."

"Baby, you promised we would spend the day together," Loren whined. I rolled my eyes quickly so no one would notice.

"I told Miss Amore I would help her look over a contract. You can stay in here for that it shouldn't take too much time babe." I cringed at the basic nicknames they called each other. Even though I am guilty of it.

"Actually Mr. King-"

"Don't actually me. She can stay."

"Ok let's start then." I walked over to one of the chairs in front of his desks. He sat in his chair with Loren on his lap. I knew she was glaring me down. I could feel her disgusting gaze on me. I handed Mr. King the contract. He took it and started to read over it.

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