Chapter 28

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A few days later...

"Bella you have to make a choice."

"I can't make that decision Tyler. It's really hard. I don't want to just rely on you for everything. I want to work for what I earn. But I also want your dad you like me. So I don't know." He sighed.

"It's ok Bella. You only have a week before my dad drags my ass back to my home city unless of course you stop working for Hunter."

"I'll give you my decision soon I promise. I just need to figure out what is best for me."

"I know," He kissed me. "I know."


"Welcome back Miss Amore. Mr. King has requested for you to meet him in the meeting room." Marie said. I nodded. I made my way up to the meeting rooms and found the one he was in. It ended up being the one farthest away.

"Mr. King?"

"Bella. Sit we have many things to discuss." I carefully sat down in a chair across the table from him. I looked around and the only other person in here was one of Hunter's bodyguards who looked very scary.

"What do we need to talk about?" I returned my attention away from the guards and to Hunter.

"It's about your recent whereabouts." He slid over pictures of Tyler and I. Him and I at dinner the first night in New York, shopping, walking to our hotel, getting out of cars, kissing at a coffee shop, and in his office in a very romantic way.

"Why do you have these? This is down right creepy stalker shit."

"Because my assistant is off snogging my enemy."

"If he is your enemy why was he at one of your meetings?" I asked feeling like I just won something.

"Because he needed to be. One of the issues we had involved him."

"Fine. So what if am with him. It's not like I am sharing all the companies secrets with him. Like how you fuck girls in your office."

"I don't fuck them." Hunter said angrily.

"Oh excuse me. You fuck them and then leave them on the street. At least Tyler takes care of me and makes me feel special. All you do is fuck them and tell them they were nothing but a one night thing." He stood up out of his seat and hit his hands on the table making me flinch. His chair rolled back and hit the wall.

"What do you want me to treat you that way?" He fumed. This is another one of my moments where I want to disappear into no existence. I guess he saw the look in my eyes of pure fear. He retrieved his chair and sat back down.

"Now we have a few things for you to sign." He slid over a few more papers.

"What is this?" I asked and flipped through the pages.

"A contract. You either sign it or you walk out of this building and never come back."

"Do I get to think about it?"

"You get five minutes."

"Can I call someone?"

"Yes." I quickly pulled out my phone and called Tyler.

"Hey baby."

"Hi Tyler, I have a bit of an issue." I made eye contact with Hunter and then quickly looked at the table like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"You're pregnant?"

"No we didn't do anything at all like that on our trip. Even if that was it why would I say it is an issue?"

"Never mind Bella. What's up?"

"So I am at work and I am being forced to sign a contract. If I don't I lose my job."

"What does it say?" I leaned forward and found the first page. I scanned over the title and summed it up for Tyler.

"I am not allowed to see you anymore if I want to keep my job."

"Oh that's not good. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know that's why I called you."

"3 minutes Bella." Hunter said and tapped his watch. I looked up at him and saw him staring at me intently.

"If you want to keep your job I would be very sad, but as long as you are happy."

"No Tyler don't say that sort of stuff."

"Don't cry baby. Just put me on speaker so I can know what your answer is."

"1 Minute." Hunter said as he looked at his watch. I took the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker. I set it on the table.

"Mr. King don't make me choose. Please."

"Mr. Carter you understand why I am doing this." Hunter said completely ignoring me.

"Her personal life doesn't get in the way of her job. She hasn't told me anything about anything. We don't talk about work when we are together. Unless you send her over her for some reason." Tyler explained. I looked at Hunter to see him looking at me. I tear ran down my face and fell onto the contract.

"Time's up Bella. Choose." He slid a pen across the table for me.

"It's ok Bella choose. No matter what you choose know I love you."

"You love me?"

"Yes I do. Do you?"

"y-yes." I managed to get out. It was like there was a lump in my throat. "I love you."

"Bella. Choose." Hunter looked like he was about to explode.


... 5 Years Later...

"Good morning baby." He walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me and his head rested on my shoulder.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" I asked as I flipped the bacon over.

"Amazing, but it would've been better if you woke up next to me."

"I'm sorry. I was just hungry."

"I know eating for two is different."

"It'll be worth it though."


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