Chapter 29

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(This part is right after Hunter gave her the contract)

"Bella please wake up." A voice said. I tried to wake up but it or what it is won't let me. I felt a hand slip into mine and slowly I tried to hold it back.

"Doctor She is waking up!" The man yelled. Footsteps came rushing towards me and then everything came at once. I woke up from my.... nap.

"Bella your awake you've been out for a few hours."

"Hello, Miss Amore my name is Dr. Quinn. It seems that everything is fine. You just had to wake up from your little mini-episode. You are free to go as soon as the nurse does a little check up on you." I nodded and looked to see who was by my bed. And sure enough, it was Tyler and Tyler and Lenny and Meadow.

"Hi, guys." I almost didn't recognize my own voice. Haven't heard it for a long time. Ok not that long of a time but still.

"Bella. I thought you were gonna die. Who was gonna get me money to start my business?" Lenny asked. I just laughed.

"I'm passed out and you think about me dying? Plus I'm sure Meadow could get you money."

"Yeah, the college almost drop out. She threatened her parents that she would drop out if they wouldn't stop calling every morning and night. She would have totally gotten me the money."

"Don't listen to him, Bella. He is a little," She did that thing with her finger signaling he was crazy.

"I am not crazy!"

"Yes, you are." They kept going back and forth so Tyler asked them to leave the room.


"Yes." Both of them said.

"That one." I pointed to Tyler Ross. He walked up to my bed.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Great. I got a new job."

"That's great where?"

"Carter Corps." I looked over at Mr. Carter and back to Tyler. I smiled.

"Thank you." I thanked Mr. Carter. He just nodded. "So how's life now. You know since you don't see me every day anymore?"

"It's still the same. A little boring, but I have been talking to this girl."

"Oh, that's great when is the wedding." He chuckled.

"There is no wedding right now Bella. Later maybe."

"I'll be waiting for that invitation." He nodded and then his phone started ringing. He excused himself and stepped out of the room.

"Just you and me now," Tyler said and kissed me.

"Yup. What happened?"

"Well, Hunter started freaking out and brought you here. I forced him to tell me where you were. As soon as I got here he left."


"So about the contract..."

"I'm quitting."

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want you to regret your decision."

"Yes, I'm sure. I'd rather be with you than a job where my boss doesn't give two shits about me."


"What's this Bella?" Mr. King asked and held up a file.

"I'm quitting."

"You're what?"

"Quitting. Mr. King. Find a new assistant. Someone who isn't me."

"But Bella."

"Don't 'but Bella' me. You made me choose my love life and job. Of course, I am choosing my love life. So I'm quitting." I turned and walked out before he could say anything else to me.


1 1/2 years later

A year and a half. Time does fly. Tyler and I are still going strong. Tyler helped Lenny get his fashion/ makeup company going and who knew he had it in him. He is one of the top brands. Of course like he promised Meadow and I are his top models.

We have our monthly pizza dates together and it's like we were at my apartment. My apartment, so many memories. I left that place two days after I quit from King Consolidated. Jeff was sad about me leaving, but I told him I'd visit.

That part of town isn't as bad now like I thought it was. The police station was just the beginning of everything. I guess I'm not right about everything.

"Babe, You got this in the mail." Tyler handed me an envelope.

You're Invited! Come to this year's annual Winter Ball.

"Ty, we are invited to this year's Winter Ball." He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. His head on my shoulder.

"You want to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, seems fun. Plus I get to dress up. I never get to dress up unless I am modeling."

"You can always dress up for me. I'd like that anytime." He winked at me.

"I'm sure you'd love that, but you get to see me every month on the cover of Lenny's magazine."

"Yeah, but every guy and girl get to see that. How about something special just for me? The real thing is better anyways."

"Maybe. What else did we get in the mail? Anything interesting?" I asked and started looking through the stack of mail on the bed. I pulled out one of the magazines with Hunter on the cover. "Look Mr. King is finally settling down." I showed Tyler the cover of the magazine. It shows Hunter outside of a coffee shop with a girl.

"That's great. Maybe next week he will too?"

"Tyler it'll happen. Maybe." I flipped through the pages and saw all the drama between celebs.


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