Chapter 67

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Hunter's POV

"Honey! I'm home!" The child of the Devil screeched. I hid myself more, hoping to not get found. She is truly the devil.

"Baby? Where are you?" Loren repeated. I heard her heels click-clacking against my floors. "I know you are here the track- I mean you told me you weren't going anywhere today so I assumed you are home."

Tracker? What Tracker? I checked each pocket, but when I checked the last one I pulled out a small red ball. It was beeping. She is a psychopath. I threw the tracker on the ground and stepped on it.

"HUNTER! What are you doing?" She asked and pointed to the tracker. I saw her phone in her hands and on the screen showed a notification, Connection Lost.

"What are you doing?"

"I asked first." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"You're the one who put a tracker in my clothes." I ran my hand through my hair. "You get kidnapped for one day and now you're even crazier!"

"Aw, you care?" She asked and jutted her bottom lip out.

"I'd rather you stay where ever they took you." Her face turned cold in a second and the next thing I know she is on top of me.

"I will stab you in the eye with my heel. I got kidnapped because of your stupid girlfriend!" She yelled as I tried to grab her flailing arms.

"Get off me, you crazy woman. I don't have a girlfriend." I thought of Bella for a split second and then a bright pink heel was coming straight for my face. I pushed Loren off of me and she fell back.

"Oww baby why did you do that?" She whined and got up. She put her heel back on.

"You tried to stab me with a hideous heel!"


"I'm done with this. Get out," She crossed her arms and stood her ground. "I said GET OUT!" She flinched at my tone, but still didn't move. "I'll throw you out myself if you don't move." She still stood her ground looking me dead in the eye.

I took a step towards her and then she uncrossed her arms grabbed her purse and scurried out of the apartment without another word.

I calmed down and sat on my couch. She is actually going to murder someone someday.

"Hey man. I saw Loren a bit down the hallway crying out her eyes. I'm guessing you did something." Peter shut the door behind him and came over to me. He sat down on the other couch.

"Oh yeah cause everything is my fault."

"I didn't say that... Well, I kind of meant it but that doesn't matter. So what's up with the King?" He put his legs up on the coffee table and laid back with his hands behind his head.

"One get your feet off of my table," He obliged and took his feet off.

"You sound like a mom."

"And nothing is up."

"What about Bella hmm? Have you seen her lately?"


"What do you mean no? Don't you love her or something?"

"I don't." He laughed.

"Of course you don't. If you didn't why do you have men outside of her house?"

"I don't anymore. She lives with her fiancé now and his house is in the woods."

"She's getting married? Where is my invitation?"

"Not to me."

"Oh, I know that. I still want an invitation."


Bella's POV

"I can't go home please tell him I am sleeping at your house please Meadow." I pleaded. She sighed and took my phone and dialed Ryan's number.

"Hey, Ryan."

"Calm your tits. She is with me." Meadow looked at her nails like she was bored.

"Tell him I am staying at your place." I mouthed to her. She waved me off and turned in her chair.

"you want her home I get it, but we already planned for her to stay the night... When did I plan said sleepover? Oh about a year ago."

"A year? He won't believe that." I whisper shouted. She rolled her eyes.

"Listen she is staying at my house whether you like it or not... No, I don't care about what you have to say... Oh, look at the time I am late for tea... Ok, I'm hanging upon you." She hung up and handed me my phone.

"Did he believe it?" I asked.

"No, but he said he'll let you go for tonight because he had to go on some sort of trip. But he did say to warn you about when you get back tomorrow. Said he had some kind of punishment for your behavior." She shrugged.

"I am not going to his house then. I am not into that sort of stuff."

"You can always try."

"What? No!"

"I tried with Nolan." She said like it was no big deal.

"I didn't need to know that." She smiled.

"Well, now you do."


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