Chapter 1

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Jake rolled out his bed his fur a mess. "Time for school." he grumbled walking to his bathroom. He looked in the mirror and grabbed his brush. While brushing his fur he saw something shining in his shower, so after brushing his light grey fur he walked over to the walk in shower. To his surprise the shining he saw was the light reflecting off the shower head.
      After his discovery, Jake continued to get ready for school.  As he was starting to walk out his bathroom he stopped at the sink to brush his teeth. 'I need to take a leak' he thought to himself as he pulled down the front of his boxers standing in front of the toilet.
      He pulled out his cock and aimed as he started to urinate. Then his big brother burst through the door. "What the fuck Max! Can't you see I'm in here!" growled Jake quickly pulling up his boxers. Max, Jake's older darker brother, laughed saying "Don't start bro I've seen it before when it was smaller.".
      Jake rolled his eyes and pushed past his brother. As his brother grabbed his tail and pulled him back pushing him against the wall. " Let me go Max! " yelled Jake struggle get out of his brother's grip and not to get a boner from the excitement. "Fine after this." Max pulled on Jake's ear ring that was on the end of his right ear. Jake yelped as Max let him go. Max walked out his brother's room wagging his tail, while Jake slowly stood up rubbing his ear.
      He walked over to his dresser and put on his ripped blue jeans and a white shirt. As he walked down stairs and out the door his brother called from the kitchen " Bye faggot." Jake called back " Bye jackass." And off he was to school.

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