Chapter 24

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                Jake's POV   

As I ran with Derrick on my shoulder laughing I saw the park around the corner. I ran faster starting to hear my claws click on the ground harder. " Jake put me down right now." laughed Derrick digging his claws in my back.

I slowed down and set Derrick on the swings and ran off and hid. " Oh so now you want to play hide and seek." I heard Derrick yell. " Yeah come find me wolfy. " I yelled back climbing a near by tree with grey bark so I could blend in.

I snickered under my breath as I saw Derrick smell around the tree then looked up. " He must be in the tree his scent stops here, but I don't see him." I heard him said to himself. He walked around the tree looking at me but didn't see me.

I had my eyes covered and was peaking through my paws. Then I uncover my eyes and stared at Derrick as he looked at me. " Found you. Those yellow eyes of yours give you away. " he smiled at me.

I laughed and climbed down and headed toward the basketball court. Derrick followed close behind, once at the court I started to do tricks with the baskestball. " So how bout a game of one on one. First one to 20 points wins. " I said as I threw the ball up.

I waited for the ball to fall down, but it never did. I looked around for the ball. " Ahm. " I looked up and saw Derrick spinning the ball on one of his claws. " Yeah if your ready to lose." he smirked starting to dribble the ball.

I smirked back and got ready for him to make a move. He faked right making me go that way as he went around me. I smiled as I got in front of him making him stop and pick up the ball.

I blocked him. He knew it would be a travel if he moved. He pivoted so his back was to me. I had no idea what he was going to do. Then he put both feet together, threw the ball in the air, and did a backflip over me, grabbing the ball in mid air and threw it to the basket.

As he landed on all paws the ball went in scoring him three points. I stood there with my mouth open as Derrick turned around put his paws in the air in victory. " How? Where did you learn that?" I asked watching him do his victory dance.

He stopped and looked at me. " I developed that move to beat my ex at basketball. We broke up five months ago." he answered throwing the ball to me. Then I saw something on his cheek that I haven't noticed before. Three long pink claw marks.

I asked running my own claws along them. " Wolfy darling where did these come from?  Who did them?" he jumped away as I touched them then pushed some fur over them to hide them. " I- I don't want to talk about them they bring back terrible memories." he said taking off his shirt " Let's get back to our game."

I did the same and started dribbling down the court to score. As I went to shoot Derrick grabbed the ball and scored a two pointer. " Wolfy 5, jakey 0." he said throwing me the ball again.

After awhile other people started coming to the park. Some said hey to me and gave me hugs when me and Derrick took breaks. We were in the middle of our and was taking a haft time break.

            Derrick's POV   

We were taking haft time break. Jake was taking a leak behind a tree while I shot threes. " That feels much better." said Jake coming out from behind a tree. I laughed as I was about to shoot another three.

Jake grabbed me from behind and pulled me close to him. " Let's say we end the game early, go home and have some fun." he whisper in my ear. I nodded my head not saying anything. He kissed my neck and jogged over our stuff that was on the ground.

I started to walk over to him slowly wagging my tail. " Well well well look at who we have here boys." I heard someone behind me I turned around to see Adrian Ward who was a leopard. My Ex-boyfriend. I got scared he was very abusive when I was with him.

I gasped, started backing away as I dropped the basketball which got Jake's attention. Jake walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around me. I hurried and got behind Jake as he looked at Adrian and his two goons, Mikey and Zack.

" Long time no see Derrick." said Adrian. I buried my face muzzle deep in Jake's back. Jake looked back at me then Adrian's gang. " Is there a problem... " Jake cut off waiting for a name. " Adrian. The tabby to my right is Mikey and the black fox to my left is Zach. Who are you?" said Adrian.

I could feel Jake get tense. " I'm Jake Howlston. Derrick's boyfriend and the ruler of this side of town. Who are you?" said Jake pulling me closer to him. " I'm Adrian Ward. The ruler of the South side and Derrick's ex." he said with a hint of snarl in his voice.

" And as long as Derrick bares my mark he belongs to me." Adrian pointed to the three pink claw marks on my cheek that were visible through my ruffled fur. " So you gave him that mark. How could you ever do that to him. And he is mine now so you can't touch him with killing me first." growled Jake.

I smiled as I licked his jaw. He shot a warm soft glance at me. Then stared back a Adrian still growling. " Then we'll fight for him." hissed Adrian tell his goons to not intervene and showing his claws that scared my face. Jake pointed behind him telling me to back up so I don't get hurt.

I ran back far enough from the fight to not get in the way but to still see what's happening. Then Adrian punched at Jake hitting his side making Jake stumble sideways. 'I hope Jake can beat him adrian has never lost a fight' I said to myself.

After awhile Jake was getting tired just what Adrian wanted. He punch Jake in the stomach the face knocking him on the ground. I ran up to Jake I was terrified. As Adrian walked towards me I backed away.

He picked up Jake who groaned in pain as he did and headbutted him knocking him out cold. As Jake fell to the ground Adrian took one razer sharp claw to Jake's bare chest. " Please Adrian don't. " I pleaded but Adrian didn't care he dragged his claw across Jake's chest making a long scratch on it.

As I watches I grew more and more angry. I was gonna teach him not to mess me or Jake. I wasn't scared anymore I was pissed. Next thing I know Adrian ran at me. I swiftly flipped over him landing behind him and scratched his back.

He turned and hissed at me throwing a punch. I leaned to the side and dodged it. Adrian was shocked that I was fighting him. I then grabbed his ears digging my claws in and slammed his head against my knee. I heard a loud crack, when he brought his head up I saw that I broke one of his fangs.

I then started clawing and punching Adrian. As I fought Adrian Mikey jumped in I shoved Adrian away as I brought Mikey down with a hard punch to the side if his head. The Zach jumped in too, he was fast but not fast enough. His claws flew at me but missed, I grabbed his tail and bit down in it as I clawed his ears. When I let him go I knocked him out fast.

As I clawed a big letter " D " on their chest then I went over to Adrian who was on his side. " Please forgive me Derrick. I'm sorry for m-m-marking you. I never intended to hurt you I just didn't want to let you go." he said weakly.

He held his paw out to me. I pushed it away and said " I will forgive you Adrian. And I will forget you. If I see you again or see somefur with your mark and they did nothing. I will claw off your balls and dick and make you eat them."

He looked scared for the first time I saw him scared I turned his head a clawed the same letter on his cheek. I then stood up and said " Get your boys a leave." he nodded. I went over to Jake who was still out cold and picked him up. I grabbed our stuff and carried Jake back home.

Hey guys sorry for not uploading in a couple days. The shout outs are Colin_Arctic foxy12981 thecastle21 peace.

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