Chapter 22

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Same day Jake's POV

Me and Derrick woke at the same time to my momma calling us from down stairs. Getting out of bed me and Derrick put on a nice black tux. Derrick's tie was was a light pink and mine was a light blue so we would match.

" Let's go boys. Time to go. " my mom said as we walked down stairs. 'I hate funerals. All the sorrow, but I need to be there for Derrick ' I said to myself walking to the car with Derrick behind me.

I opened the door for my mom and boyfriend then jumped in the back seat. Backing out the drive way and towards a forest like area. A silent car ride later we were at the funeral.

Mom found a parking spot and got out the car. I walked next to Derrick with my arm around him. He had his head and tail down. " Derrick are you ok? " I asked looking at his face.

He just shook his head. I pulled him close and kissed him on the head. After we made it to the spot were the funeral was being held and sat down next to Carina. A white tiger stood up and walked to the front.

I soon saw he was the priest. " In honor of Kala Aléman. I would like to say she was the best minister our church has ever had and we will miss her dearly. " he said stepping aside so someone could come up.

Carina walked up haft crying. " I would like to say she was the best wolf I could have ever met. I will miss her she helped me raise the most wonderful son I could have ever asked for. " she finished and sat back down.

Derrick stood up grabbing my hand wanting me to come with him. I stood behind Derrick as he made his speech. " I want to say that through all these years I still can't find the words. But she along with Carina kept me strong. Kala would always tell me straight forward if something was right or wrong. They accepted me with no else did.

I would always say if something happened to her I would die with her to stay with her, that I will never find another woman like her. But then I found Jake. He was like another Kala to keep me sane when I wasn't myself. With my boyfriend, Jade, and Carina by my side I know I will make it through this event. " he finished leading me back to our seats.

" Good job baby. You did good. Not one mess up. " I whispered in his ears. He smiled and leaned against my shoulder. After three more furs said their speeches they lowered Kala into her grave.

As everyfur started leaving Derrick said bye to his mom and drove her to the airport then took the car to my house. I went upstairs and put on some basketball shorts and took off my shirt to relax in. When Derrick came home he did the same. We watched movies all day ignoring the whole world.

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