Chapter 5

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Me and Derrick arrived at wolf howls, the best teenage wolf hang out, it's ran by the Luna moon gang, a gang with only wolves that my mom runs.

We walked in to see to male wolves getting in each other's face. I said " Ooo a fight is about to start let's go." I drag him over to the arguing wolves and get front row in the fighting circle.

I see it's Ricky and Dicky frighting. 'What the fuck does Ricky think he's doing. He knows he can't win thins fight.' I say to myself cheering on Dicky.

Dicky jumped at Ricky and scratched the side of his face. Ricky tried to punch Dicky, but he dodged it. Dicky grabbed Ricky's tail and slung him against the wall.

As I cheered I looked over at Derrick who looked sick. I grabbed his arm and pulled him through the crowd to the back door. Once at the door I dragged Derrick out.

            Derrick's POV

I started getting sick from the blood I saw. The next thing I know Jake was dragging me through the crowd to a door. We got to what I guessed was the back door. I was gonna throw up when Jake opened the door. I ran out and started throwing up on the concrete.

I felt Jake pat my back he said something but it was muffled. I looked up and saw him covering his nose and mouth. I said " What did you say." I threw up again.

He uncovered his mouth and said " I said let it ou.." He cut off and threw up too. I said " Why did you throw up. I threw up at the sight of the blood."

He looked at me panting and said " Because the scent of puke makes me puke." then he threw up again. I threw up when someone from inside yelled " That's a lot of blood."

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