chapter one

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My name is Isabelle Conley. I'm 16 years old. Born in November 1966. Blue eyes. Curly dark brown hair. Around 5'8". Never met my dad. My mom just lost her shit and wound up in a mental hospital after trying (successfully) to kill my little brother. His name is Ian. Well, was Ian. He was my 14 year old brother and although he got on my nerves half the time, I really did love him.

Well, now I'm on a plane going to some in-the-middle-of-nowhere town called Tulsa in Oklahoma. From what I have heard about Oklahoma, they don't have a whole lot going on.

I myself am from South Carolina. Specifically a city called Myrtle Beach where lots of old people come to re-live their "glory days" and where tons of teenagers come to get black out drunk during spring break and summer. However, I like it. It's right on the beach, and I love the beach. The house I used to live in was actually just a block away from the beach so I practically live there (as shown in picture.)

Myrtle Beach isn't technically massive, but I love it. I'm a city girl, moving to some old ass town. Thanks for going bat-shit crazy mom, love you too.

I fell asleep on my plane and next thing I knew I was in Oklahoma getting my baggage and on the way to my new life.

I wasn't necessarily excited, but I was ready for a change. I've lived the exact same life for 16 years so I guess it's nice to spruce things up a bit.

My airplane attire was pretty damn attractive. Old, dirty, pink Adidas with some jean shorts and a size large Tommy Hilfiger shirt on my size small body was a pretty cute look.

The guy sitting next to me on the airplane enjoyed it. He was some 60 year old sugar daddy who offered me a ride in his "new Mustang with leather seats and a killer radio." I politely declined.

Actually, it wasn't polite. But I'm not really into that whole "20 year old marrying a 98 year old" vibe. I kinda just looked at him and said "No thanks. You're triple my age. And you smell like you've been sitting in the back of a cabinet for 45 years." He didn't talk to me the rest of the way.

Anyways, I left the airport with all my bags and now it was time for me to attempt to find my cousin's house. I honestly had no clue where it was. I remember talking to him before I boarded the plane and he told me to turn left and right a certain amount of times, but by now I had forgotten. I didn't have a phone and couldn't find a payphone so I tried to remember the best I could.

I remember him saying it was a 20 minute walk from the airport, and that I needed to take two rights to start off. I couldn't get that lost if his house was only like a mile away.

I made two rights and realized I wasn't in the best part of town. It wasn't sketchy, just sort of rundown looking. I thought I remembered my cousin mentioning something about that at one point. I didn't really mind though.

My cousins name is Keith by the way. He's also 16. We lived together when we were younger and we were best friends. But time and family drama tore us apart. I am beyond excited to see him though, I've missed him so so much.

After I took those two right turns I sort of gave up and just started walking straight. After walking straight for about a mile I decided to just knock on someone's door and find the nearest gas station or convenience store so I could use a payphone.

I found one house with a fence around it and two cars in the driveway so I just hoped that whoever lived there wasn't a mass murderer or sex offender. After standing in the driveway for about 10 minutes, I finally walked up to the door and knocked.

Someone opened the door. An older guy, maybe mid-twenties. He was pretty muscular and nice looking, and he had a nice jawline with brown hair. I didn't really know what to say or do, so I just stood their awkwardly.

 I didn't really know what to say or do, so I just stood their awkwardly

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"Um, hi." I said nervously.

"Hello. Do you need something?" He said politely.

"Um yes. Is there a gas station or a mall or store around here? Something with a payphone?" I asked him.

"Yeah. The DX is right down the street a couple blocks. They gotta payphone."

"Thank you so so much."

"No problem. You new around here?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Just got off my plane around an hour ago. Moved from South Carolina." I answered him.

"Wow. Big change. You can come by if you ever need anything."

"Thank you," I said leaving the front porch.

And then I started on my way to the DX.


first chapter complete! i'm so excited about this story you guys. i haven't figured out an upload schedule, but i will! see u all later, love u lots xoxo

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