chapter three

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Soda's POV

Isabelle was beautiful. She really was. One of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. Prettier than Sandy. She looked so cute staring out the window. She looked so innocent and pure. I've never met a girl like her before.

Isabelle's POV

The girl was standing in front of me was expecting an answer. I answered her, but I didn't bother looking away from the window.

"My name is Isabelle. Just moved here. Sodapop's in the backroom."

"Are you flirting with him because I swear to God I will-"

"No I'm not, so why don't you just leave me the hell alone and go suck each other's faces for a few minutes so I can leave." I said, cutting her off.

At this point I could see Sodapop with his head slightly coming out of the breakroom, so he could see what was going on. The fact that he thought he was hidden and I couldn't see him was adorable.

But boy, this girl was mad. Her face turned bright red and she was stomping all over the store.

"Listen to me and listen closely, you're new here so I'll give you another chance. This is my town. I run it how I like. And don't try me because I will ruin you. And don't lay a finger on Sodapop." She sneered.

"Quick question." I said.


"Is your ass jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth?" I asked her.

And then she just screamed and stomped out of the store.

what an ass

Sodapop came from around the corner slowly and just looked at me. I was still sitting in the window seat looking outside but I could see him out of the corner of my eye.

"Isabelle.. I'm sorry. That's Sandy. She's"

"Girlfriend?" I finished for him. I was annoyed but at the same time I didn't really care. I mean this boy is one of the most attractive people I've ever seen, so of course he has a girlfriend. I just wished he had one that treated him right. This Sandy girl was an ass.

"Yeah, well, kinda. We're on and off. I'm sorry she said that to you." Sodapop said.

"It's not your fault. And she doesn't scare me. But maybe you should tell her to take off some of that makeup on her face and eat it so she can be pretty on the inside." I said laughing at myself.

Sodapop just smiled and said, "She can be real sweet, really. She just gets in these moods where she wants to break everything and scream."

"Sodapop, that's called a period."

"No no, I know what a period is. But don't those only last a week or something? Sandy's niceness only lasts a week. The rest of the month is just her bitching about everything."

"That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship." I said.

"I don't know man." Sodapop said.

I was still looking out the window but this time I looked at him.

"Sodapop, you really do deserve better. You need happiness throughout the entire month, not one quarter of it. I'm not a therapist or anything like that, but if she damages your happiness you really need to leave her. And I know you don't want to break her heart, but trust me, with the way she acts, she'll probably just leave you and find someone else within a week." I said this all to him and I regretted saying some of it because he looked sad, like he lost something.

"I just don't know." He said.

I told him I had to go to the bathroom and as soon as I walked in I just sat on the ground. Why did I just say that to him? Why did I tell him that? I probably just left the poor guy heartbroken. God, I just need too keep my mouth shut more often and stop saying every thought that pops into my head.

A couple minutes later I walked out and told him I was ready to go to Two-Bit's. He grabbed my largest suitcase and I took my purse and my bag. It was a pretty silent walk so I decided that I should apologize for what I said.

"Listen, Sodapop, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine, Isabelle. I needed someone to tell me that. It was like a slap in the face, I'll admit, but a slap of reality. Sandy really isn't good for me." He said.

"Alright Sodapop

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"Alright Sodapop. Let me know if you ever need anything," I said trying to comfort him.

"I will, and call me Soda. It's weird having people call me by my full name."

"Alright Soda. You can call me Izzy. I'm more used to that as well." I said.

"Okay. Two-Bit's house is right here on the left hand side. You want me to come with you?"

"No that's fine. Thanks Soda, I really appreciate it. See you around." I said to him.

"See ya."

Soda's POV

I really wanted to stay with Izzy, but her and Two-Bit should be together for awhile. Man, this girl was perfect. All the girls in Tulsa looked the same. Blonde straight hair, brown eyes, pale, and around 5'0". But Izzy, she was different. Her hair was naturally curly and it was beautiful. She had blue eyes, she was tan. She wasn't trying to look like everyone else. She was different. I really like her.

But how do I get rid of Sandy?

Izzy's POV

Soda had walked away and I was walking up the front porch steps of Two-Bit's house nervously but also with excitement. I knocked on the door and heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

I am so nervous but I don't know why. I'm literally about to shit myself, I thought.

And then the door swung open.


aw yay she's meeting two-bit. also i need a ship name for soda and izzy!!

love u all lots xoxo

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