chapter fourteen

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Soda's POV

Izzy looked great. I knew she was self conscious about her body but honestly I don't know why. She was skinny, with long arms and a super long torso. She didn't have abs, but you could see muscle definition in her stomach. And even though she was skinny, she still had a pretty nice butt. Not that I was looking or anything.

We had just started to eat lunch when someone screamed. I turned my head around and saw Sandy stomping towards me. Jesus. I had broken up with Sandy which made her incredibly angry, but I thought she would at least leave me alone.

"What the hell is going on here?" She screamed.

"Lunch." Izzy said sarcastically. One of the many things I love about her.

"Soda, why are you hanging out with her? I treat you so much better. You deserve me! Not her." Sandy's face was red with anger.

"Sandy, I broke up with you. Leave me alone." I said.

"No. Not until she's gone."

Izzy spat at Sandy making her scream, "Fuck you! You stole him from me, and you know it!"

"I wouldn't call it stealing. More like being offered a sample, but then you end up buying the whole thing. But, you were just the person handing out the samples. Maybe you should hold onto your man a little tighter next time." Izzy said, which made Steve and Dallas burst out laughing.

"I'm not leaving till I can speak to Soda alone!" Sandy yelled.

"Go on. At least I don't have trust issues." Izzy said. I really didn't want to be alone with Sandy, but it was the only way to make her leave.

Izzy's POV

Soda walked over the another part of the lake with Sandy. I wasn't jealous, but it still made me uncomfortable. I trusted Soda, though. He wouldn't do anything to try to hurt me.

I was talking with the gang for a few minutes when I realized Soda and Sandy weren't back yet. I decided to look around.

"Um, Izzy?" Steve said.

"Yep?" I asked.

Steve pointed his finger towards the dock where Sandy just so happened to be sucking faces with Sodapop.

"That bitch." I said. I'm not one to cry over boys, because I'm an independent ass woman. And I don't need a man to help me live my life. But I did feel a connection with Soda. And to see him and Sandy making out was like a punch in the face.

"Izzy, I'm so sorry. Soda's a dumbass." Pony said.

"Not your fault." I said, trying to hold back tears.

"Hey Soda!" I screamed. "Fuck you!" I stuck up my middle finger and walked away. I wanted to be alone.

"Izzy!" Soda yelled. "Wait!"

I just stuck up my middle finger again and ran. Didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to be away from the gang. I ran into the woods and eventually made my way to the other side of the lake, where the gang couldn't see me. I sat down on the end of the dock and put my feet in the water.

I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't. I knew Soda was too perfect. Too good for someone like me.

But he was there for me when I was sad.

And he was always greeting me and joking around at the DX.

But then he left, and he had better priorities I guess.

I had priorities too, I just thought they were mutual.

I sat there, looking out onto the water when I heard someone come up behind me.

"Izzy?" I turned around and saw Dallas. He sat down next to me and I put my head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Dallas, the gang always told me not to break his heart. But in the end, he broke mine. And no one was there to tell him not to." I was fighting back tears.

"It's all gonna be okay, babydoll. Sandy left already. Darry and Ponyboy have been yellin' at him and Two-bit almost beat his head in. I said a few words to him myself." Dallas said. I knew whatever he said probably was not the nicest.

"I love you guys. I really do. And I don't know what I would do without y'all."

I buried my head back into his chest and stayed there for awhile.

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After about an hour, the sun was starting to set. It was really pretty. The sky turned pink and purple.

"Guess I'm gonna have to go back at some point." I said.

"You sure?" Dallas asked.


We walked back over to where the gang was hanging out and all the guys came up and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, Izzy." Pony said.

"Me too." Johnny said.

"Thanks guys, but it's not your fault." I said, smiling. I really do love these guys.

"Soda left." Darry said.

"How?" I asked. Darry's truck was still here.

"Said he would walk. It's gotta be a 45 minute walk from here. But he insisted. Wasn't gonna argue with him either. Not after what he just pulled." Darry said.

We all hopped in the truck and decided to go to the Dingo and grab dinner.

We walked into the Dingo and sat down at a table. We all ordered the same thing: hamburgers with fries. When our food arrived, we were starving, so it was gone within a few minutes. Pony, Two-bit, Steve, and I all got milkshakes too.

We went back to the Curtis house afterward. And to be honest, I wasn't in a sad mood anymore. I was still angry, but I wasn't letting it get to me. I was just trying to enjoy my time with the gang.

I walked into the house expecting Soda to be there, but he wasn't. I assumed he was with Sandy.

"You think he's with Sandy?" Ponyboy asked.

"You read my mind." I said.

"Don't let it get to you, Iz. Him and I are gonna have a nice, long conversation." Two-bit said.

"You guys really don't have to do that. It's nice and all, but he'll learn on his own how to treat someone properly." I said.

"It's our job! You're like our little sister!" Steve said with a mouthful of cake.

I laughed and Steve and said, "I love you guys."

"We love you too!" They all said in unison.

The gang and I hung out and watched some corny movies for a few hours when there was a knock on the door.

Darry got up and opened it.

Soda walked in.

please listen to the attached song! it's so good and this chapter is based off it !! 💛✨💛

picket fence - sodapop curtis fanficWhere stories live. Discover now