chapter twenty seven

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Izzy's POV

I woke up in the living room with Johnny's legs on top of me. He was asleep too. We were both on the floor, but Two-bit was sitting on the couch behind us watching Mickey. I slowly got up, trying not to wake Johnny.

"Morning." Two-bit whispered.

"Morning." I said and went to the bathroom.

I washed my face and changed into some comfy clothes. When I came out Johnny was just waking up.

"Morning Johnnycakes." I said.

"Mornin'. Gosh, my head hurts." Johnny said.

"Tylenol's in the top left cabinet." I said, pointing.


I went and sat next to Two-bit on the couch.

"What're we doing today?" I asked.

"Rumble's tonight!" Two-bit yelped.


"The rumble!"

"What's that?"

"Nobody told you about the rumble?" Johnny said.

"No." I said.

"The Socs and the greasers go fight out at the lot. We do it every once in a while." Two-bit explained.

"Weapons?" I asked.

"No, it's a fist fight." 

"I wanna come."

"No, no, no. I am not letting my little cousin go to the rumble. I don't want you getting hurt." Two-bit said.

"I'm going." I stated.

"No you are not. I'm not allowing it."

"Johnny, you think I should be able to go?" I asked.

"I'm not involved in this." Johnny said.

I turned back toward Two-bit.

"I'm going. I know how to fight, and you know that."

"I don't want you getting hurt."

"I won't."

"Yes you will. Everybody gets hurt at the rumble."

"Well then, what's the point?" I said.

"Just for fun and bragging rights I guess." Two said.

"I'm going." I said, walking to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Well, at least I tried." Two-bit said.

I made eggs and toast for the three of us and we ate and watched T.V.

"You doing anything today Johnnycakes?" I asked.

Johnny got nervous. "Yeah, I'm, um... Hanging out with Pony."

"Oh, alright." I said.

We finished up breakfast and Two-bit and I walked to the Curtis house.

I opened the front door and Darry and Soda were making cake.

"Hey guys!" I yelled.

"Izzy! Hey babe!" Soda said, running over to me and giving me a bear hug.

"Hey baby." I said, pulling him into a kiss.

"Gross!" I heard, and turned around to see Steve standing at the door.

"Is Stevie sad cause he doesn't have a girlfwend?" I said in a baby voice.

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