chapter nine

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Izzy's POV

Sodapop and Pony had left and Two-bit and I were eating dinner watching Mickey.

"You want a beer?" Two-bit asked.

"No, I don't like beer." I said.

"That's a shame. Darry buys it for us on the DL. That means down low." Two-bit said, as if I didn't know what that meant.

"I know what that means Two-bit." I said, laughing. "I don't really like drinking to begin with. I don't like the thought of getting drunk and not being able to control myself."

"Yeah, I drink one beer everyday. On special occasions I have more. I'm with you on that one, sis." Two said.

We finished up dinner and I hung out in my room for a bit. I decided to rearrange my room a bit, and make it more cute. I wanted to go to the store the next day to buy some succulents and vines. Fake ones though. I can't keep real plants alive for more than a week.

I moved around my bed and dresser, and I found some Christmas lights in my closet and strung them around my entire ceiling. I put the rest of the lights around my bed. And I don't mean to brag or anything, but it looked cute. I couldn't wait to go to the store.

I watched the sunset, which was beautiful, and then just chilled. I eventually fell asleep and woke up at 11 P.M. I decided to go watch a movie or something. Two-bit must've fallen asleep, because the house was oddly quiet.

I looked inside his bedroom and sure enough, he was passed out. So, I decided to go on a walk again. Probably not the best idea, but I have my switchblade now so who cares. My switchblade was pretty cute. It was baby pink and white. I like to keep my weapons classy.

I walked out the door quietly and decided to go back to the park. Again, probably not the best idea. But that thought wasn't really in my mind.

As I walked closer to the swingset I saw a tall figure leaning on it. And who would it be but Dallas.

"Hey Miss Priss! Fancy seein' you out here." Dallas said.

"Hey Dally, how ya doing?" I said.

"Pretty good. Whatcha doing out so late?" He asked.

"I like it out here at night. It's quiet. How about you?"

"Can't stay cooped up at Buck's for too long. If I'm not careful, I'll get stuck smellin' like Smirnoff for the rest of my life." Dallas said, laughing.

"Gotcha. You wanna go on a walk?"

"Sure thing."

Dallas and I walked and talked for at least two hours.

"Say, you doing anything tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well, I was planning on going to the store tomorrow to buy some plants, so if you wanna come with me you can. But me and- I'm busy at night." I decided not to tell Dallas where I was going or who I was going with.

"That's alright, you and Soda can go on your date. However, it would be an honor to accompany THE Isabelle Conley to Lowe's." He said, winking.

"Who said I was going with Soda? Who said I was going on a date?" I said, trying to act like I was confused.

"Babydoll, I see you two hang out. I'm not offended. I see the way Soda looks at you. And if you're what it takes to keep him away from Sandy, I'll take it. Just don't break his heart." Dallas said, trying to smile.

did this bitch just call me babydoll. miss me with that cute shit i'm tryna date soda but you're making this difficult.

"I'm sorry Dallas. And I won't.. I could never." I said. I felt terrible. I led Dallas on and I knew it. It broke my heart to see him hurt.

And then I hugged him for a solid three minutes.

"It's okay. Don't worry. If you ever need anything, come to me." Dallas said.

"I will. Promise."

I looked up at Dallas and he looked up at me and smiled in unison. He makes my heart melt.

"Let's get going. Don't want you to be home too late." He said.


We were walking back to my place when the blue Mustang from last night pulled up. This time, more people were in it. I'd say about 5 guys were in it.

"Shit, Dallas. What do we do?" I said.

"Don't worry 'bout it. You can take Bob and Randy, I've seen you do it before. I'll take the others. If you need help just yell my name. Stay safe." Dallas said.

They all got out the car and ran towards us. Bob stayed in the car, just like last time.

"If it isn't Isabelle!" Randy yelled. He was clearly drunk. The others just laughed and tried to speak, but it came out inaudible since they were all wasted.

Suddenly, Randy came running toward me. I immediately punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. Dallas was taking on two others, and while I was looking over at him a different Soc pushed me down and kicked me in the stomach.

It caught me off-guard, so I didn't have the chance to get up. He kicked me three or four more times in the stomach before kicking me in the face. I felt my nose start bleeding.

It's probably broken, I thought.

The Soc who had punched me left and went over to Dally. Dallas had already kicked one Soc to the ground, but I could tell he was getting tired so I had to try and help him. I somehow managed to stand up, and I ran over and kneed one of the Soc's in his groin and he fell down in pain. The other Soc turned around and kicked me on my side, which caused me to fall down. It felt as if one of my ribs was broken.

Dallas got ahold of him after he did that to me and punched him in the face thirteen times. I counted. Not sure how I remembered it though, since I was laying on the ground half passed out.

The Soc's quickly jumped back into the Mustang and drove off. Dally came rushing up to me.

"Izzy! Izzy! IZZY! Answer me!" He yelled.

"My.. ribs.. and.. nose.." I said. I could barely get the words out.

"Shit, this is all my fault!"

"No... it's.. mine.."

Dallas picked me up and started running. I had no idea where he was going.


hahaha i love this chapter a lot. also, tysm for 150 reads that's insane. love u guys so so much xoxo

picket fence - sodapop curtis fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora