chapter nineteen

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Izzy's POV

I woke up in a dark room. Where was I? Why were my hands tied behind me?


I was in the corner of a dark room that had the moonlight seeping through the window. Clearly a boy's room, I just didn't know who.

My head hurt so badly, and I looked down and had bruises all over my knees. Not to mention, my hands hurt from being pulled so tightly behind me.

I tried to untie the rope around my hands but I couldn't find the energy. All of the sudden, someone opened the door to the room.

"Hey greaser." It was Bob.

"Screw you." I said.

"No thanks." Bob said.

"How long are you gonna keep me here? If I die, you're gonna go to jail." I said.

"However long I want!" He yelled.

"You don't scare me."

"I don't? How about now?" Bob said, pulling out a switchblade.


He walked over and pressed the blade against my cheek.

"Try me, greaser." He said, with his hands a little too close to my mouth. I bit him.

He yelped and tried to back away, but I kept biting him and didn't let go. Eventually, he was screaming and bleeding and my mouth was starting to taste like blood so I stopped. He backed away and his hand was dripping with blood.

"Fuck you, greaser!" He screamed.

He dropped the switchblade and ran out the room.

I squirmed and tried to grab the blade with my toes. Eventually I nudged it to my hands and grabbed it. I started to cut off the ropes. It took forever, and I was running out of strength. It probably took me twenty minutes, but I got the ropes off.

I stood up and tried to walk out of the room as quietly as possible, but Bob heard me. He ran into the bedroom and punched me right in the nose, causing me to pass out.

The last thing I heard was "Bye bye greaser, I'm going to the bar."

Soda's POV

We were in Darry's truck riding in complete silence. I didn't know what to believe. I don't know why I believed Sandy. She just sounded so genuine when she was telling me the story. But Two-bit wouldn't lie to me about that. I just don't know.

I knew she would be trouble. She was pretty, reckless, she was just perfect. She didn't care what people thought about her. And she could be a badass when she wanted to, or she could be the girliest girl ever. And that's why I loved her.

But I can't love her. I keep telling myself not to, and I'm trying to pretend I don't, but I do. I crave her next to me. I just want to fall asleep with her by my side. I love her.

At this point I was crying again. This was all my fault. Even if she did cheat on me, I still love her. And it won't stop.

This is my fault, I thought to myself.

"No it's not." Ponyboy said. Guess I was thinking out loud.

"Yeah it is. I did this. I did all of this." I said with tears pouring out of my eyes.

"It's not your fault." Steve said.

"Well, how are we supposed to find her?"

"Bet a Soc got her." Dally whispered. He hadn't spoken the whole time.

I hope she's okay. I hope she's not hurt. I can't even think about losing her.

"Search the park. Up and down the streets. Check Tim Sheppard's too. Maybe try Buck's again. Just check everywhere before we have to go to the Southside." Darry said.

We all got out of the truck and searched the entire town. We knocked on doors, went into bars, up in trees. Everywhere. It took at least two hours.

"They've got her." Dallas said, choking up. This is when I knew. I knew Dallas loved her. But not in that way. He loved her like a little sister, and nothing more. Sandy made it all up. She wanted us to break up.

"We're going to the South side." Johnny said.

"I don't know about tonight, Johnny." Darry said.

"We are going. I'm not sleeping until I find her." I said.

"Me neither." The rest of the gang said in unison.

We all gathered back into Darry's truck and drove over to the other side of town.

"Who's house do we check?" Pony asked.

"Randy, Bob or David's." Two-bit said. That was the first word he had spoken. And if you know Two-bit, you know he does not shut up. So I knew he was scared.

We drove to David's house first. Darry, who looks the most like a Soc, went up to the front door and knocked. David's dad opened the door and they talked for a bit. Darry said she wasn't there.

We drove the Randy's next. This time I just opened the front door and walked in. Don't know why it was open, but it was. No one was there though. I yelled out a couple times, but got no answer.

Bob's house was last. We drove up and all hopped out. No one was home. The front door was locked so we went around back. The back door was open. We all walked in.

"Izzy?" I yelled. No answer.

I went up the stairs into Bob's room and opened the door.

There she was. Laying there with blood coming out of her nose. She looked so peaceful. So content. Tranquil. I know that's not how you describe someone with a bloody nose, but that's how she looked.

Steve was behind me.

"Shit." He said.

I took another look at her and realized how many bruises she had. Her legs were covered with bruises and the skin on her wrists was rubbing off and bleeding.

I picked her up carried her downstairs.

"I got her." I said.

"Holy shit. Thank God. Oh my God, I was so nervous. I thought I had lost her." Two-bit said, tearing up.

"Miss Priss." Dally whispered ever so slightly. His eyes were watering.

We all gathered back into Darry's car and headed home.

Once we got there, I cleaned her face and washed off the blood from her nose and wrists. I put bandages around her wrists too. I laid her in my bed and went back out into the living room.

"Thanks Soda. For cleanin' her up and all." Two-bit said.

"It's nothing, really. She deserves the world." I said, smiling.

"You're not believing what the whore of a girl told you anymore, are you?" Dally asked.

I had to laugh. "Of course not."

Izzy's POV

I woke up and looked around. Where was I? This feeling was a little too familiar. At least I was in a bed this time.

I miss Soda. I wish he was with me. I think I'm in love with him again. Or maybe I just never stopped being in love.

I never thought that I would move to Tulsa and see Two-bit. Never thought I would find someone I loved so much. Never thought I was be Soda.

I fell so hard for him so quickly.

And I would tell him to "Fuck off," or he would say, "Screw you," but I was thinking of him as the love of my life.

It was ruined.

I started to cry, but just fell asleep.


i'm almost at 800 reads that's so insane i'm freaking out zjcnqlcnvx

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