chapter ten

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Dally's POV

I decided to take Izzy to the Curtis house cause they were the closest to me. I felt terrible. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have even let the Socs touch her. 

I ran with her in my arms, which wasn't very easy, but I managed to make it to the Curtis house. It was 1 AM, but I didn't really care at that point so I barged in and put her down on the couch.

Darry was in the kitchen, Soda was in the bathroom, and Pony was asleep.

"Shit, what happened?!" Soda yelled.

"A blue Mustang happened." I said.

"God damnit. Those Socs need to stay on their turf. Soda, go grab the bandages!" Darry said.

Her nose was bleeding, her cheek and stomach were bruised, and she looked like she was getting a black eye. I had to admit, she still looked hot. Her body was great. She didn't have abs or anything, but she was perfect. I remember her telling me about how she hated her body and lost a bunch of weight and eventually became underweight. She was still trying to gain some weight back, and I knew she was insecure about herself, but I thought she looked great. I kept thinking about it till Soda cut me off.

"Dallas, call Two-bit!" Soda said.


I got up and hurriedly called Two-bit, who of course was freaking out.

We had cleaned up her and Darry was putting ice packs all over her when Two-bit barged in.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He screamed.

"She's okay, Two-bit!" Darry was trying to calm him down.

"Oh my God this is my fault. All my fault. I can't believe I didn't hear her leave. Damn it I'm so stupid." Two-bit said.

"It's not your fault Two. You were asleep, you can't help that." Soda said.

If it was anyone's fault, it was mine. But I didn't want everyone to know that.

After we fixed her up the best we could we all just hung out for a while. Ponyboy eventually woke up and we told him the whole story. It was 3 A.M. at this point, and none of us could sleep.

Soda was sitting on the couch, and her legs were on top of him. He looked so worried. I can tell he really cares about her. And I know that should mean I should stop hanging out with her so much, but I couldn't. 

After an hour, she woke up.

Izzy's POV

"What the fuck?" I said.

"You're awake!" Soda said.

"My ribs.. broken.." I could barely get the words out.

"Her ribs are broken?" Two-bit said.

"My nose hurts.. ribs hurt... asshole hurts... think they pushed their egos up my ass..." I said, trying to laugh. 

Two-bit laughed. "At least you're not too hurt to joke."

"Izzy, I almost thought we had lost you. I was saying all these prayers in my head. I am so glad you're okay.. so glad." Soda whispered to me.

"Thanks Soda. You're something else." I said, winking at him.

My ribs hurt so badly. If I tried to breathe, or laugh, or speak they ached. Two-bit was cracking jokes and he must've seen me wince after I laughed.

"Iz, you okay?" He asked. Iz was my childhood nickname. No one called me that but him.

"My ribs," I said, "I can barely talk."

"Should we take her to the hospital?" Ponyboy asked.

"Probably. Everyone hop in the truck. Soda, you sit with her in the back seat." Darry said.

Soda carried me to the truck and we all got in. I was going in and out of consciousness.

"Hey Soda." I said.


"I'm tuff." I said, laughing. 

"Hell yeah you are." Soda said.

We got to the hospital and they put me in a wheelchair. I was put into the emergency room, and Steve showed up after I was put into a room.

"Hey, Izzy. Hope you're feeling better soon. I can make you a cake when you're out of here." He said.

"Aw thanks, Steve. Means a lot." I said, smiling.

The doctors came in and started asking me all sorts of questions.

"How did this happen?" They asked me. 

I didn't know how to answer. I sort gave Dallas "the look" to indicate that he needed to make something up or explain it to them.

"Well, uh, you see.. She and I were at the park near our house and all of the sudden these random guys come running up to us and threatenin' us. We didn't know what to do. They started fightin' us and throwin' punches so we threw a couple back." Dallas said. It wasn't the exact truth, but they didn't need the exact truth.

"Okay. Were they drug dealers? Robbers?" The nurse asked.

"I don't know, man." Dallas said. 

The doctors made the guys leave, and reluctantly they did.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Two-bit said.

After they left the doctors told me they were going to run some tests and do a couple of x-rays.


 I had fallen asleep after they took the tests, so when I woke up the whole gang was in my room staring at me.

"She's awake guys!" Pony said.

"Morning sunshine!" Soda said.

"Where am I? What time is it?" I said, not knowing what was happening.

"It's 10 A.M. You're at the hospital. Remember?" Two-bit said.

"Oh. Yeah." It was all coming back to me now.

Then the doctors came in.

"Okay doc, what's wrong with me? Tell me the bad stuff first." I said.

"Well, two of your ribs are broken. Your nose somehow isn't fractured, but the bruising and inflammation is bad. You have several bone bruises, but you'll be okay. You can leave today if you have to, but you can stay if you want." The doctor said.

"Damn. Well, that sucks and all but I had plans for today so I'll be leaving." I said, which made the gang laugh.

"Suit yourself. Give us about a half hour to get all of your medications together and then you can be on your way."

"Sure thing."


simple chapter. btw you guys steve needs a girlfriend so inbox me your name, what you look like, and a couple things about you! love u guys xoxo

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