chapter five

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Izzy's POV

I walked into the diner nervous as ever. When we arrived, there were three boys already sitting at the table. One of them was Sodapop. The other two I knew I had seen somewhere, but I couldn't quite remember. I sat down, then it hit me.

"Wait a second." I said.

"Yep, it's us. A coincidence, ain't it?" One of them said. He was older than the other one.

"That's a hell of a coincidence." I said, laughing.

"Yeah. Well I'm Darrel, but you can call me Darry." He said.

"And I'm Ponyboy." The other said.

"Well, hello Darry and Ponyboy. Nice to meet y'all." I said, which made them laugh.

"Did I say something?" I said, confused.

"A real Southern sweetheart, ain't ya? Not many people say 'y'all' around here." Darry said, but Two-bit was still cracking up.

"Oh shut up Two-bit. You know damn well you said y'all when you were living with us." I said, rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"I know, I know. Just haven't heard your cute lil' Southern accent in a bit." Two-bit said.

"Two-bit. You live in Oklahoma. Also known as the South." I said.

Then Darry and Soda started laughing.

After that another one of Two-bit's friends walked in. His name was Steve. I liked him as soon as he sat down. I could tell we would get along.

The last two members of the gang walked in 10 minutes later and sat down.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Miss Priss?" One of them said.

I looked up and saw him. Dallas Winston. The one I bumped into earlier. And damn, he looked good. He was wearing nice blue jeans (which he probably stole) with a t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Hey dickhead." I said.

The rest of the gang looked confused, so I decided to explain the story.

"Ran into him while I was tryna go to the DX. Literally ran into him. Told me to watch where I was going and I told him he was a dickhead. Didn't like his tone. Simple as that." I said, chuckling.

That made the rest of the gang laugh.

"Welcome to Tulsa!" Two-bit yelled. He yelled so loud, three different tables got up and left.

"Oh.. I'm Johnny."

He was the one who walked in with Dallas. Didn't really look the type to hang out with him. He seemed like a sweet kid. Dallas seemed cold.

"Hi Johnny. I'm Isabelle. But all of y'all can call me Izzy." I said.

This time, Johnny and Dallas started laughing.

"Y'all?" Said Johnny, who could barely breathe because he was laughing so hard.

That's when it started. The entire gang started laughing extremely hard. Darry, Ponyboy, Sodapop, Dallas, Johnny, Steve, and Two-bit all with tears in their eyes.

"I swear if I get made fun of one more time I'm hopping on a plane back to South Carolina." I joked.

"South Carolina?" Johnny said.

"Yeah. I'm from Myrtle Beach." I said.

"I've been there before. Real nice place. I love the beach." Johnny said. He was a real sweetheart.

"I love the beach too. Really gonna miss it." I said smiling.

Then I realized the entire gang was staring. At me. Except for Two-bit and Darry. All of 'em, just looking at me with no expression on their faces.

"Well you guys oughtta take a picture." Two-bit joked.

Then they all turned red. It was real cute, I'll admit. Soda looked adorable. Dallas looked adorable. Ponyboy and Johnny pretended to cough and sneeze.

Steve just kept staring.

"So, Izzy, you gonna go to school?" Ponyboy asked.

"I guess so. Don't wanna, but I probably have to. Maybe I can trick the people runnin' it to put me in the classes with some of you guys." I said.

"Well you, me, and Johnny are all in the same grade." Two-bit said.

"Really?!" I said. Johnny didn't look like a junior. He looked like a freshman or a sophomore to me.

"Yeah." Johnny said.

The rest of the night was great. We all talked, ate, and laughed until we cried. I already loved these people. Two-bit was hilarious, just as I remembered him. I really did miss him, and I was so glad to be back.

The waiter was a young guy, probably 18 or so. He was hitting on me the whole night, and I didn't really notice it that much but Dallas and Soda were both getting angry every time he tried to flirt. I could see when Dallas clenched his fists, or when Soda bit his lip. It was pretty hot.

At the end of the night we all went back to the Curtis household to eat cake and watch Mickey. Two-bit had always loved Mickey ever since we were little. I was sitting on the couch in between Dallas and Soda. I could feel the tension between them. However, we all still joked and ate cake for a couple hours when everyone decided it was time to head home.

Two-bit and I left, and started talking.

"So, how do you like them?" Two-bit asked.

"I love them! They're all so funny and sweet and nice. I really like it here, Two." I said.

"I'm glad. And please choose between Soda and Dallas because you're going to drive them both crazy. I mean, the whole gang is pretty much in awe because they've never had a girl like you to hang out with. You're pretty, you dress well, and you have similar interests with them. And you're just different than any other girl in Tulsa."

"Aw, Two. Thank you."

"Well, I gotta say thank you. I ain't seen Dallas that happy and excited in a long while." Two-bit said, chuckling.



oh god dallas my poor baby. i am having so much fun writing these chapters you guys!! many more to come. love u all lots xoxo

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