chapter twenty eight

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Izzy's POV

We got back from the rumble and everyone was happy. However, everyone was hurt.

Pony and Johnny both had broken noses, Steve got some teeth knocked out, Darry broke his hand, Dallas had multiple cuts, Soda said everything was aching, Two-bit thought he broken a finger, and I thought I had broken my knuckles. On top of that, all of us had bruises all over our bodies. At least we won.

I was cleaning up some of my cuts and scratches when I noticed Soda wincing in pain everytime he moved.

"Soda, are you okay?" I mouthed to him. I was in the bathroom and he was in the kitchen.

He nodded, but I didn't believe him. I motioned my fingers for him to come to me.

He walked over and I could tell he was in pain.

"I know you're not okay." I said quietly.

"I don't wanna look like a wimp." He sighed.

"You won't Soda. Do you need ice or medicine?"

"I need medicine."

I went over and grabbed some ibuprofen for him and he took three.

"Thank you." Soda said.

"If the pain gets worse, you better tell me." I said.

"Will you spend the night?" Soda asked.

"I would love to." I said, smiling. He gave me a big grin, and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I looked into the bathroom mirror and noticed I had a huge cut on my leg. I also had a cut on my face that was identical to Johnny's. The Socs had beat him up pretty badly a couple months before I came. Two-bit told me about it.

"The cut on your face makes you look tuff." Soda said.

"Thanks, Soda. Helps a lot." I said, winking at him.

I bent down to clean my leg and the second the washcloth hit it I let out a slight scream.

"Shit!" I yelled not-so-quietly.

Soda jumped. "Fuck!"

I had to laugh. It was so adorable when he got scared.

"Is everything okay? You aren't doing anything in there are you?" Darry yelled.

"No!" I said and walked out.

Steve was laughing his ass off so I stuck up my favorite finger.

"You know, if you keep sticking up your middle finger it's gonna get stuck like that." Two-bit said, which made Dally and Johnny laugh.

So I stuck up my other one.

"What would we do without you, Miss Priss?" Dallas said, chuckling.

"Very good question." I said, cocking an eyebrow at Two-bit, making the whole gang laugh.

I looked down and my leg was bleeding badly.

"God damn." I said.

"Holy hell, Izzy. What'd you do to yourself?" Steve asked.

"I honestly don't know. It looks like a switchblade cut to me." I said, grabbing a paper towel.

"Did they pull a blade on you?" Soda snapped.

"Sure looks like it." Pony said.

I lifted the paper towel from my leg and it was soaked in blood.

"Gross!" Steve yelled.

"Shut your trap Steve." I said.

"It looks like someone bit a chunk out of your leg." He said.

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