chapter sixteen

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Izzy's POV

I made my way to the basketball court with the rest of the gang. Dallas was already there, warming up. It was 1:45, so I had some extra time to practice. The gang went and sat on the bleachers.

I shot around, and to be honest I was doing pretty well. I made around 80% of my shots, and I hadn't forgotten how to go between my legs or behind my back. Before I knew it, the game was getting ready to start.

(A/N: if you don't watch/play basketball you aren't going to understand any of this but just try to follow along lmao)

"You ready?" I asked Dallas.

"I was born ready." He said.

All of the gang started yelling and screaming and getting all excited. Darry came over and tipped the ball, but I jumped higher than Dally and got it.

I grabbed the ball and dribbled over to the basket. Dallas was all in my face, so I did a crossover, which made him stumble. I used that to my advantage and ran right past him and made a layup.

"WOOHOOOOOO!" Two-bit screamed.

I winked at Dallas and he just rolled his eyes. He grabbed the ball and ran to his side of the court, but I was one step ahead of him. He tried to go in for a layup but I jumped and blocked his ball. By this point everyone in the gang was yelling.

"Did I just get blocked by a girl?" He asked.

"Kind of, yeah." I said.

The game went on for about 45 minutes, and I ended up beating Dallas 45-42.

"You won't get me next time, Miss Priss." He said.

"Hey, man, I told you not to bet with her about basketball!" Two-bit said.

"So, when's that necklace comin' around?" I asked Dallas.

"We can get it tomorrow."

Soda came up and smiled the biggest smile ever. It was so adorable.

"You did it!" Soda said.

"Told you." I said, winking at him.

We walked back to the house and I immediately went and took a nap. I had the energy completely sucked out of me. I woke up and Soda was sitting next to me, staring at the wall.

"What are you staring at?" I asked, which made him jump. "Sorry, Soda. Didn't mean to scare you."

"That's okay. Just thinking about something." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

Soda turned and look at me and immediately looked down. His eyes were watering.

"Soda? What's wrong?" I asked

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"Soda? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know how to put in into words." He said. At this point, he was crying.

"Come here, Soda. It's okay. You're okay." He put his head into my chest and I rested my head on his.

"My parents. I miss them. I miss them so much. I just wish they were here. They died in a car crash. You just remind me so much of my mom. Beautiful, kind, funny, caring. I just don't know what to do. I can't live without them." Soda said.

I started to tear up. "Soda, my dad left me and my mom. My mom just went psycho and killed my brother. I know how it feels to lose the one you love. My mom might've been a crazy bitch, but she did love me. And my poor brother. He didn't get enough time here."



"I love you, ultimately." I just had to smile. We'd started to say "ultimately" ever since that note.

"I love you, Sodapop Curtis." I smiled and we laid there for what felt like forever.

Steve barged in and I was awake but Soda was asleep. Soda jumped.

"What the hell Steve?" Soda asked.

"Aw, that's real cute. Hey Darry, come in here and look at this!" Steve yelled.

Darry came in and smiled. "Look at my kid brother in love."

Ponyboy walked in too. "I am in love."

I immediately sat up straight. "What did you just say?"

"I'm in love!" Ponyboy said.

"With who?" Darry yelled.


"Eggs?" I asked him.

"Yeah! I love eggs." Pony said. His eyes lit up as if he were actually in love. It was kind of the cutest thing ever.

"I'll be back guys, I need to go get something." I stood up.

"Where ya going?" Steve asked.

"It's a surprise." I grabbed $5 and headed out the door. I was gonna go to the grocery store and buy Ponyboy three cartons of eggs. I also bought a chocolate cake for Steve.

I purchased everything and walked into the house.

"I smell cake!" Steve yelled.

"Here you go Stevie." I said, handing him the cake. He gave me a huge bear hug.

"Hey Horse boy where are you?" I yelled.

Pony came out from around the corner. "What?"

I gave him the bag and his face lit up.

"I LOVE YOU!" He screamed so loud everyone covered their ears.

"I LOVE YOU!" He screamed so loud everyone covered their ears

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"Love you too!" I said.

"Thank you so much, Izzy!" He yelled.

"No problem." I said, and we ate eggs and cake for dinner. Darry made hard boiled eggs, I made omelets, Soda made scrambled eggs, and Pony made them sunny side up. It was so much fun.

Eventually Dallas and Johnny came over because they heard about the egg extravaganza. After dinner we all walked over to the drive-in to catch a movie. Soda, Dallas, Steve, and I all laid in Darry's truck while everyone else went to go find some girls to talk to.

Steve and Dallas both went to go get some drinks, which left me and Soda.

"Hey, Izzy?"


"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow night?"

"Of course I would."

"Okay. Wear something nice." Soda said smiling. I love this boy so much.

We started kissing but Steve and Dallas came back and interrupted us.

"Ew!" Steve said, pretending to vomit.

"Shut your trap." I said, rolling my eyes sarcastically.

They got back on the truck and we finished watching the movie, laughing half the time.

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