My chilhood with spirits and not-so-Imaginary-Friends

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I decided to write down every single experience I ever had with spirits and shadow people.

My first encounter with spirits had to be when I was around three years old. They say you always remember bad memories or scary memories from when you were little and how true that is. I remember waking in my bed and scaring for my dad. Sadly my dad is not as connected to the spirit world as my mom is and can only see if a spirit presents itself to him. Anyway I remember him coming into the room and picking me up. I faintly remember telling him "the people" were watching me and pointing into hallway. These people were usually in a line and it would range from older people to little kids. The line went into my parents room which in my old house was right next to mine at an angle (my parents room were down the hallway and my room that I shared with my sisters was angled on the side wall next to it).

My father would have me in his arms with my face looking over his shoulder. Since I feared these people more than usual at the time it only made me cry more and wake up my sisters. Everyone would tell me it's my imagination and they're not real. But I knew it was real, I knew it. Those people wouldn't have looked at me nor continue walking into my parents room one at a time. They saw me and I saw them and it truly freaked me out.

We finally moved from that place when I was six years old. We had moved into a fairly large blue house. The house was three floors, at the top floor was abed room, living room (which was turned into a bed room for my brother), a full kitchen and a bathroom. My grandpa and brother shared this floor. The second floor was two bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining, and bathroom. My mom, dad, and my aunt shared this floor. Lastly there was the basement. It was just a huge basement that my sisters and I shared. We lived in that house for nine years and where my cat Peaches (whom passed away this year) was born.

For one I hated that basement. I can say there wasn't anything bad by it but since I was little it did scare me somewhat. I remember how I refused to sleep down there and kept running back up the stairs (which connected the basement to the first floor living room) and trying to sleep up there. I told my mom there's someone else down there and my aunt who doesn't believe in any kind of spirits or hauntings refused to hear such a thing decided to lock me in the basement. Although my sisters were there I still felt frightened.

My eldest sister Trisha whom slept in the back told me I was only imagining it. My second eldest sister Melissa I believe thought I was crazy since I had been doing this for years by now. She often ignored me and grew up to have the same views as my aunt.

I knew whomever this person was it is in fact a man. At the time I couldn't figure out how old he was all I knew was he usually kept to the back of the basement where my sister slept. It took a couple of months for me to get use to him. The basement was also his and he never did anything to really frighten me besides being there. We had put a couch in the basement as well and when I was the only one down there I sometimes saw him sitting on it. I think when I was used to it I spent most of my time in the basement however there was a second room in the basement. The room had a broken door and was kind of like a storage place for my families Christmas decorations and old music disk they collected over the years. My mother told me never to go in there and my roommate in the basement never went near the door. In fact he stayed far away from it.

Besides the broken door the room felt strange. It was always cold, no light ever worked in there and it felt even darker than what it looked. When I was eight I finally decided to break mothers rule. As soon as I went in however I wanted to get out however my curiosity was too over reaming so I explored a little. The room was in face bigger than Trisha's space in the back of the basement and the stuff within it didn't seem to fit it. It was cold and dark and I know now I didn't belong there at the time.

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